Thursday, July 24, 2014

Flight to Washington and Settling In

We did it! We survived our first flight as a family of five!! Thankfully I didn't have to do it alone! Although I knew that with Shiloh being so little that it was the easiest time to travel with a baby, I also knew that it could be the worst time given the demands of two other ones and a gassy/fussy baby. Thankfully she ate and slept the whole way and we were comfortable thanks to a travel hoppy pillow which as a lifesaver! 

Overall it was a long but good flight. Shiloh was passed between John and I, the older kids are seasoned travelers and were great and we landed all in good spirits!

No matter if we have good or bad flights it is always such a nice feeling waking up the next morning in our house in Washington, having a cup of coffee and some bacon and looking outside at the beautiful trees in our front yard. We are so excited to be home in Washington for the summer, to enjoy family and the beautiful Pacific Northwest! 

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