Showing posts with label CCCC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CCCC. Show all posts

Monday, March 7, 2011

Breakfast with Friends

Two years ago, John and I ventured out and following God's calling decided to become Navigators of a small group. Our church is centered around small groups and feel that the best growth and the best way to help each other become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ is through a small group setting. Stepping up from just being members of a group to leading a completely new group was scary but God so richly blessed us with an amazing group of people and a wonderful experience. That first group lasted about 16 months before one couple moved to Saudi Arabia and then the rest of us decided to split into two groups to support our church's mission of multiplying groups. John and I are now leading a group with one of the other "original couples."
Well, the couple that moved to Saudi Arabia in August, The Perry's, were in town for a visit and we all gathered Saturday morning for breakfast (minus one wife who was out of town) and enjoyed a wonderful time of fellowship, hearing about how God is moving through them in Saudi, what everyone else is up to and also watching all of our children play together.
What is amazing is that when we started this group the only kids that were born were Peyton and then the Perry's son, Gavin who were only around 6 months old at the time........

In addition to Peyton and Gavin, another couple was pregnant at the time with their first due 6 months after our group started, so essentially three kids at the start of our group..... NOW....we have five kids that are born, Graham on the way and another one on the way in July....7 KIDS!!! Talk about multiplying in another way! And I think it is amusing that Peyton is the only girl among those seven!

Even though we are all not in small group every week together and one of us lives in another country, we are still all there for each other, praying for each other, guiding each other and helping each other learn to love God and others more. It has been such a wonderful example of how biblical community should work and we have been immeasurably blessed by these relationships in addition to the relationships we have formed in past small groups.

It was a wonderful Saturday morning for sure!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Peyton Singing Debut

Yesterday the 2-5 year old sang on stage at church. I have always LOVED seeing them sing every year and get teary eyed every year. I could not believe it that this year I had one of the kids on stage! did I get a two year?!? Can you find her?

Peyton very much knows the song, "Good News," and has practiced at school (her school is at our church) and on Sunday mornings and I have heard her sing it in the car with the CD and even did a performance a couple of weeks ago for our family however as expected she stood on stage in wonderment of the lights, people, big TV screens and all the other kids. I was so proud of her for being so brave however and not crying and following the teachers instructions!

Afterwards we had my parents and John's mom over for brunch and Peyton loved having all of her grandparents around! She loves them all!

I have to get a video of her actually singing the song sometime because it is adorable and I love hearing her say all the words but for now here are some picture of her all dressed up for her day...and yes, she is wearing a summer Popsicle bow because that is the one she wanted to pick. I got her in a dress and matching shoes....I pick my battles!!!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Busy Weekend

This past weekend was crazy full!

Friday, Peyton and I did not make it to gymnastics because I didn't want to wake her up again as I had done pretty much every day that week so I decided that I would let her sleep and if we woke up in time we would go but if not it would be fine! She slept in, I slept in and that was for the best given how busy the rest of the weekend was!

I left Friday afternoon for our Mpact weekend which is the fall retreat that we do for the high school students. So, around 184 students, 27 leaders and about 10 support staff all headed up for Carolina Creek Christian Camp in Huntsville, Texas! I left a little earlier than the kids so I could get up there and set up or that was my intention but Houston traffic put me there only a couple of hours before so it was a little crazy! But as tiring as the weekend was, it was so amazing to watch all these students worship God, experience God and be moved, changed and molded into more like His image! It was awesome! We had a great speaker, Joseph Turner from Sojourn Community Church in the Heights area of Houston and an awesome Indie Rock band from Abilene called Words in Windows. And I personally LOVED the staff at Carolina Creek! I know that the students didn't really see all they did but for me, who was doing most of the behind the scenes stuff, they were amazing! They had such joy in serving us and it was an awesome testimony to the power of service and how you really do show God's love by service. They were amazing!

So, Sunday afternoon I headed back home and was exhausted but the weekend was not over at all for me. I rushed home, jumped in the shower, got dressed and out the door in twenty minutes and headed to church for Group Link! We are starting a new adult small group and Group Link (our connection event to get people into group) was that night! John was already up there, I ran in and got set and then started meeting new people interested in group. This was the largest Group Link with just under 500 people looking for a new group!
In the end we ended up with 5 new couples plus John and I and our co-leaders, the Lutz's for a total of 14 people! We are so excited to get to know these new couples, do life with them and grow closer as a biblical community and closer to our Lord! I love seeing how God puts groups together and can't wait to see how His hand was in this new group! As excited as I am.....I will be honest we are a little scared! It is always a nervous feeling when you walk out with these new people entrusted to you by God and by the church....and as John said, "well, now we have to depend on God to somehow mold this group to be fully devoted followers of Christ." Very true!

Finally after Group Link we picked up Peyton from our friends house and I received the biggest hug ever from her. All she kept saying was, "Momma, Momma." I loved it!

I am super tired today and it is raining so we are relaxing on the couch, catching up on blogging, emails and being lazy. We will probably venture out for some groceries this afternoon and but what I am really looking forward to is NAP TIME in approximately 3 hours!

Happy Monday everyone!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Everyone is moving....

This weekend was full of moving! My sister moved from her apartment in Pearland to one downtown so we helped her all Saturday move and then our good friend's had a good bye party before they left for Saudi Arabia!

Saturday we moved Ashley and that was so much work! One of our friends from our small group came and helped and I am so thankful for his willingness to come and help my sister (someone he doesn't know). My parents watched Peyton for us so John and I could help move boxes etc in the morning so we started at 8 AM and finished moving in boxes and furniture close to 2:30 PM. My parents met us at the new place and Peyton was confused at what was going on! The boys then left and took Peyton home for a nap and then my mom, dad and I stayed around and unpacked, organized, hung pictures until we stopped at 7:00 PM and finally had dinner. I was exhausted, stinky and have bruises everywhere!

Then Sunday, Grandma Martha met us at church at then came over for the afternoon and Peyton had a blast playing with her and even had her clean the living room! Watch out know have to dust when visiting! Also during her visit Peyton wanted John to play with her and be a little more wild than I would. So, this is what they did....a human swing! She LOVED it! I think she is starting to like to know who to ask to do what with because if it is anything dangerous or a little more wild she always asks John because she knows he won't be as cautious as I am!

After much convincing Peyton had a nap and when she woke up it was time to head over to a good bye party for her friend Gavin and his family. It was at a park by their neighborhood and we actually had a nice breeze. It was a nice time of fellowship with friends and we will so very miss the Perry's. I can not even begin to explain how much the Perry's have meant to us and how incredibly blessed we have been to do small group with them. We are so blessed to have such a great group of community to do life with and also for Peyton to be around and see other strong families who are raising their children to love God and to love others!

Some friends took some adorable pictures of John trying to play football with Peyton so once I get those I will have to post them but the other amusing part of the night was Peyton's fascination with the tree! She saw older kids climbing the tree and so John helped her (as I was panicking). This kid has no fear...which doesn't go well with her strong opinions! She would get so frustrated towards the top when John wouldn't let go and let her continue by herself!

We ended up coming home around 9:00 PM very tired and very dirty! She managed to have a bath and was way too energetic but she crashed shortly afterwards and actually slept in until 7:30 AM!

This week we are busy! I am trying to get everything together for our second annual Canada Day party on Thursday, getting things together for our trip to Canada next week, finishing projects around the house and catching up on cleaning!

And we have our last week of swimming lessons and since I have to take her myself today...I am praying these rain showers keep going! Just kidding...kind of!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Baby Dedication

This past weekend we did a baby dedication for the three babies in our small group. We had Peyton, Gavin and Caleb. It was such a special event and even more special to be able to do it with friends that mean so much to us. We had food, cake and invited all of our friends and family who have been instrumental in supporting us in the endeavor.

Our church has the small groups within the church do a dedication because in reality, the relationships that we have in small groups are the ones that will be praying for us specifically, encouraging us, mentoring us and being the ones to help keep us going. One of the wives from our small group's dad is a pastor at our church and he graciously came out to lead the dedication. Since it is May and insanely hot in Texas, we mostly hung out inside, but decided to have the ceremony outside so everyone could see.

The dedication part was so sweet and inspiring. We appreciated hearing the pastor's words that he spoke about it being our responsibilities to teach Peyton to trust the Lord and to love HIM and serve Him through our words and our actions. Now...during the dedication we saw why these are done when kids are babies. Peyton wanted to get down and run around and at one point, got her lovey and paci and laid down on the grass to go to sleep! What a silly girl! And then when the pastor was done, she promptly waved and said, "bye," to him. Silly!

It was a special day and I am glad we took the time to create those memories!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Finally able to breathe

Literally....I am finally able to breathe! I finally went to the doctor Thursday afternoon and I was diagnosed with an ear infection and severe upper respiratory infection. I was put on some antibiotics and a decongestant which knocked me out. My parents watched Peyton Friday for me and then Saturday and Sunday I rested. I spent such little time with Peyton last week that I changed a diaper on Friday and couldn't remember the last time I changed one! I was so blessed that I could rest last week and even more important was that we spared Peyton from getting sick!

I did make it out Saturday morning to our church's Valentine Making Party! We had invited Granny and Papa so we all went up to the church and made Valentine's with Peyton. She LOVED the glitter. Now...if Granny and Papa weren't with us I probably would have not shown her the glitter knowing the mess that she would make but they were and they showed her! If anything it reminded me to lighten up and have fun because really did it matter that much that she had glitter in her hair, no! We made four or five Valentines and it was just nice to see her doing such big girl things like using stamps, glitter, stickers. I love it! What was even more cool was that three years ago John and I volunteered at the Valentine Making Party and now here we are with our own little one! Pretty cool!

After the party we went to Lowe's to look around at outdoor stuff since once it finally stops freezing around here we have serious work on our backyard. Our poor plants all look awful from all of the random freezes despite being covered. I think there was one night it dropped down close to freezing and I forgot to cover them and they just had it.

After our trip to Lowe's I was pretty much exhausted so I slept most of Saturday and then Sunday until a Super Bowl party at our friends. I unfortunately didn't get to watch most of the game or the commercials since Peyton really wanted way more attention than normal from her parents so we actually ended up leaving early. I have managed to watch a couple online since but not all of them.

Monday I went and worked out with
Fitt Life Fitness and it was a great but a hard workout! I don't know if I mentioned it earlier but I have started with a personal trainer twice a week. I have a gym membership but I hate going because I have no idea what I am doing. So, I ran...but that didn't achieve the toning that I wanted post pregnancy. So, some friends have gone to Fit Life Fitness and have had amazing results. She is very encouraging and provides a detailed diet plan and is helping me tone etc. The only down side is that I am not supposed to be running. In order to build muscle I need to stop running for a little while because essentially I was not eating enough to sustain my running and then my body was storing fat because I didn't eat enough...long and complicated but I trust her opinion. Well, after a month of no runnig I told her I was going crazy so I can run one day a week for a reasonable distance...four miles for now! When I asked to do a 10k in March she didn't think that was reasonable so we will see. Anyways...I am so excited to see my body changing (small changes right now)! Also what makes this even better is that Peyton loves going with me because there is a huge play area for her and she loves to imitate me working out. Since I am the only one in the gym during my time she is allowed to come out and be near me if she wants and she always does the curls or other stuff with this small plastic toy weights while I am doing it. It is amusing!

Finally, today I made it back to work and caught up on most everything which was great!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

October 2009

So, October started with my birthday which was spent caring for my mom who had foot surgery that day. It was kind of surreal to spend it caring for my mom as I am sure that is how she spent most of her birthdays. Even with all of the craziness of surgery we still had a special day and ate dinner in Granny's bed! I got a Blackberry for my birthday which has been so much fun and also a sewing machine which I haven't used as much as I would like but it has come in handy and I am looking forward to more projects!

We then celebrated our 3 year anniversary on the 13th with a special homemade dinner (by John) at home. It has been a wild 3 years full of changes left and right! It still amazes me that we have done so much in that short amount of time. We are excited about spending this year status quo with enjoying life where we are now! Which to all those Grandparents means no more babies for a little while long as that is what God's plan is!

Also in October we took Peyton to Dewberry Farm which was so much fun! They have a real pumpkin patch, petting zoo, pony rides, hay rides and just a whole lot of fun. She had a great time and loved trying to carry all of the pumpkins. I love our little Peyton pumpkin!
After the visit to the farm we carved our pumpkin which Peyton was not very interested in and a little disgusted by the inside of the pumpkin. She observed and then ran off to play with the dogs.
Some of the biggest change/news of the month was that I started working again! While in Canada this Summer I was blessed with great periods of solitude to reflect on my roles as a follower of Christ, a wife and a mother. Among many things that were revealed to me and that I grew in one thing I realized was how much I wanted to work again. I LOVED that I got to stay home with Peyton but she is getting more independent and I need something to refill me. Also, I wanted Peyton to start a Mother's Day Out program and unless we had extra income there is no way that we could afford that. So, I told John when I got home from Canada that I wanted to look for a job at some point (no rush) that is close to home, about 15 hours a week or so, low stress, good environment, uses the skills I have and would be conducive to still being at home. John's response was supportive but Good Luck finding that dream job! Well I wasn't looking for that dream job but decided to start serving in the Senior High ministry at our church as a small group leader for girls. While talking with the pastor, he mentioned that he was looking for an assistant if I knew anyone and then later in our conversation he brought up the assistant position again and asked me what I used to do before being mom. Well, we talked some more and I ended up agreeing to look at the job description. I looked over it, prayed with John and decided to send him my resume and interview. After checking my references etc he offered me the job and I took it! I work 14 hours a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays and am loving it! It is a complete answer to prayer and fit all of my criteria and it pays exactly for Peyton's school and just a tiny bit of fun money! Peyton goes to a Lutheran churches daycare program (which I looked at originally when I went to work but their pick up time was too early...oh and she got the last spot...I think God's hand was on this!) and she had a rough time at first but is doing amazing now! I love being able to have my own thing and feel so much more effective as a mommy and wife. I am glad I stayed home for that first year and even more happy God has given me this opportunity.
Next post will be Halloween since this is getting way too long....

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter

Hope everyone had a blessed Easter Sunday! I wish I posted yesterday but it was a busy day and by the time I found some free time I was so tired all I wanted to do was nap. It was such a great day though.
Peyton got a little stuffed bunny from the Easter bunny which she thought was pretty cool and tasty....
We started the morning off with a great Sunday service about the hope that the we have in our LIVING Lord. It was nice and even nicer was sitting beside my sisters and my mom for the first time in about four years or so (maybe even five). How more great it would have been if my dad was here and not working overseas...maybe next year. We managed to get home from church not too soaked from the rainstorm and started our Easter festivities.

Peyton was adorable in her Easter dress and loved all of the attention of both of her Aunts, her Granny and Auntie Ashley's boyfriend.
We went over to Granny's and Peyton had her own Easter basket waiting for her and then she had her own Easter egg hunt with little eggs that Papa had left for her. They were shaped like animals and she thought they were pretty interesting.

We then had a grown up Easter egg hunt which had a nice twist this year leaving me with $20 for my egg hunting efforts (I spent that this morning on a cute sundress I have been wanting at Target).

Peyton talked to Papa on the phone and she was smiling and really listening to him talk to her and even talked back. It was adorable! She has always loved to hear him talk!
After the hunt we had a wonderful lunch as a family. It was delicious and Peyton even had her own seat complete with fine china and crystal toasting glass perfect for her size. She of course knew exactly what to do and drank out of it like a big girl.
Ashley and I were responsible for dessert this year so she brought a yummy trifle and I made a cake called a Strawberry Freeze which was so yummy. It was really easy to make so I will have to make it again and take a picture of it next time so I can blog about the recipe! Great use for our fresh strawberries from Frobergs.

It was a busy day but such a beautiful day celebrating the hope we have in the resurrection of Jesus!
I will leave you with Peyton's bible verse from Pee Wee Ville for the month....

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

Sunday, December 14, 2008

We made it!

Peyton's first time at Pee Wee Ville was about a month ago and we haven't made it to church since. Mostly this has been due to me being sick, then Peyton being sick but last weekend it was only due to lack of planning that we didn't make it. I never realized how much planning and preparation it takes to go somewhere as simple as church. 

Peyton's normal schedule has her starting the day at 6 AM with a feeding. She consistently wakes up at 6 AM so it is great! However if she was to eat at her normal time on Sundays, we would be at church at 8:30 AM and she would need a bottle 30 minutes into service. I don't want to leave a bottle with her or leave the burden of feeding with the PWV caregivers and since it would be at church I can't really replace that feeding with pumping in order to keep up with having bottles available for her. So, after much deliberation we decided that we would need to have her start her Sundays at 7 AM instead. In order to do that she needed to have a really late night or early morning feeding to help keep her the extra hour. Last night she didn't eat very much at 9 PM and woke up at 1:30 AM to eat some more and then woke up at 6 AM but was easily convinced to go back to sleep. I am hoping this doesn't mess her week up too much but we really can't figure out a better plan for church. 

Church went well. I thought she would nap but they said that she would dose off and then wake up wanting to join in the excitement. She was playing in a bouncer when I went to pick her up and she was trying to hit the toys. I am sure it was fun to see something new and different. Since we didn't nap at church she came home, ate and went straight to napping. 

The rest of today is pretty busy. We have small group at 2 PM, then going over to Grandma's to unpack the gear she needs to care for Peyton next week and also decorate sugar cookies!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Building a Fire

On this past Mother's Day, Bruce Wesley with Clear Creek Community Church (our church home) delivered a message titled, "Building a Fire." It struck a chord with me and resulted in me keeping my notes which I stumbled upon the other day. Now that I look over them as a mother and not a mother to be, everything takes on so much more immediacy and looking at my little girl makes it so much more imperative that I remember my responsibility in giving her a head start in her faith.

The message was centered around scripture found in 2 Timothy 1:4-7 "As I remember your tears, I long to see you, that I may be filled with joy. I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure dwells in you as well. For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control."

The main point was that as mother's (and essentially all parents) we give the faith we live to our children and that we can give them a "head start" by offering a sincere faith. By focusing on building the fire in your own heart you can give your kids a greater start in their faith/life. I have been blessed to have a mother and grand mother that both demonstrated a sincere and real faith to me and that in good times and bad were honest about their emotions and their relationship with the Lord. Their actions mirrored their words. I am part of a legacy of strong women of the Lord, women who strive to be and often emulate Proverbs 31 women and I don't want that legacy to stop with me.

Bruce gave us three questions that help you determine where you are in offering a sincere life and sincere faith to your children:
  1. If your child's spiritual life became exactly like yours, would you feel like you succeeded as a parent?
  2. If God only did in your child's life what you specifically asked in prayer, what would the spiritual life of your child be like?
  3. If your child were asked to write out all that he or she learned about God from you, what would they write?
In the end, we are to take responsibility for you own spiritual like and "fan it into flame" for our kids. Make your spiritual life personal and accessible. As for me, those questions have not left my mind since I found my note sheet the other day. Honestly, I am struggling with the first question and need to take the time to develop my actions to match my words. I will be writing out those three questions and posting them in various places so I am constantly reminded of what a pivotal role my actions, non actions and prayer play in Peyton's future.

The message is no longer available online but if you would like to learn more about Clear Creek Community Church, listen to more recent messages you can visit their website at,