Showing posts with label Trip back to the States. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trip back to the States. Show all posts

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day

I can't even begin to explain how thankful I was to be spending Christmas with my family and that John was also able to be there with us. When we moved we began preparing ourselves for not being able to come home since we would have only been there such a short time and we were so happy that we could come back. It was such a nice time with family and it felt so good to have the normalcy of family traditions and the familiarity of our Christmas celebrations when these past six months have been so chaotic. And since it was Graham's first Christmas I was happy that he could celebrate with everyone!

Peyton was so excited the night before and had a hard time going to sleep and then the next morning we had to wake her up! She was shocked that the stockings were filled and that there was soot on the fireplace!

Peyton was a little angry that Santa ate ALL of her cookies! She was so excited to leave them the night before and I guess she either didn't believe us or thought he would just eat one or two.

I have hardly any pictures of opening presents :( There were six adults, two kids and a dog all trying to open their presents so it was a little chaotic. Graham loved the wrapping paper and the craziness and we spent most of the morning trying to keep him from eating paper!

Peyton had been asking for a piggy bank for ages. She asked shortly after we moved and well...that is the last thing I would be able to find here in Saudi. So, she got one from Santa and was so excited! She also got numerous games and books and some new light up shoes and just loved the excitement of Christmas morning.

John and I didn't get gifts for each since we had spent so much on travel, buying things to bring back to Saudi etc....well....John was supposed to not get me a gift but instead surprised me with a Couch purse. He gave it to me shortly after he got there so I could use it out on our date nights and not carry a diaper bag! I had seen it in Saudi awhile ago and said it was nice but didn't think he would ever buy it. It is a special edition purse to commemorate the 70th Anniversary. Now if I could just reduce how much stuff I have to carry everyday...I could use it more!

I also got some photography books and a Kelly Moore camera bag and then John got a iPod touch and Apple TV. A good Christmas indeed!

My mom decided to make us wear matching PJ's again and so we took a family picture.....

Then later that day my mom hosted Christmas dinner and my Aunts and Uncles and Cousins all came down from Canada and we had 20 people around the table! I have never (to my knowledge) spent Christmas Day with my dad's side of the family and it was so nice to be able to spend the holidays with them. The food was delicious and it was such a wonderful night! Truly my favorite gift of the day....lots of family!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Lost in the Forest

I almost forgot to blog about our wild hike through the trails behind my parents house! 

We decided one morning to go out and explore the trails so we got everyone (my parents, my two sisters, the kids, and my sisters dog Max) dressed and put Graham in the Baby Bjorn and set off. There is a huge trail system behind their house and there are actually rumors that it might be made into a state park someday which would be awesome. Right now it is just some former logging property. It was a beautiful hike and we had a great time. 


We followed the marked trails all the way to the top and had an amazing view of the Canadian mountain ranges and then of Lake Whatcom and Bellingham. It was such a nice spot and flat too! John and I joked that we should built a house right there and we could hike down to my parents everyday.

Then we headed back and that is when things got interesting! We decided to go a different way and were doing great staying on the trails and heading along and then...depending on who you ask....we went off the trails and that is when we got lost. We started wandering around, around and around and after awhile started getting nervous. 
Graham hadn't eaten in four hours which was amazing for him and I didn't know how much longer he would last. We kept being silly so Peyton wouldn't think something was wrong and we kept just going down and hoping we would find something. We finally started hearing the road and headed towards there. We then did what you probably aren't supposed to do...we split up. My two sisters and the dog headed towards the road with instructions to walk back to the house and get the car and then head back and pick us up. Then the rest of us would find a safer way to the road. 
Well, we started heading down to the road and came across and house and their fence. We couldn't figure a way around the fence. All of the sudden we hear a woman calling and asking us if we needed help. We went into her yard and she invited us into her house and once we explained our situation she offered to take me and my dad back to the house (pick up my sisters along the way) to get the car while my mom, John, Peyton and Graham stayed at her house. We got in her car, found my sisters who made it a pretty good distance and then went to the house and I drove back (with a bottle) to get the rest. Then Peyton cried how she didn't want to leave the house because of all the cool toys (the woman had two little boys).

When we got home we realized that we had been gone for hours and once we got a map and looked at was probably our path we figured that we walked over three miles. I was super impressed with Peyton for walking that much and not getting upset. We all slept well that night for sure!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Letter to Santa

Peyton was very much into the whole Santa thing this year! Lots of questions and waiting anxiously for Christmas to come. One day she wrote a letter to Santa with my mom's help and we went off to Macy's to mail it. I loved that in her letter she asked Santa to bring Graham a truck and some baby food!


After mailing the letter we went and had lunch and then went to finish up some Christmas shopping. While we were walking in the mall, Peyton saw Santa. She was so excited and kept asking to see him. I really didn't want to wait in line but there was no stopping her. She didn't care and just wanted to talk to Santa. So, we waited in line...and while were waiting I started to realize that we should get the kids pictures done and that this would be Graham's first time seeing Santa....and well....I probably should have dressed them to match...or more Christmas like....or at least in nice clothes. Then I thought to myself...maybe I have time to run into Gymboree and buy something....oh, but then John would kill me for buying unnecessary clothes. I just continued to take deep breathes and remember that it didn't matter what they were wearing and that this was just about the experience and we made it to the front of the line and Peyton ran into Santa's lap and started chatting away. She even made sure that Graham was sitting with her and that Santa knew what he wanted. Graham thought Santa was awesome. And well, Mommy just went with it.....trying to not think about how nicer the picture would be with Christmas outfits because this isn't the real meaning of Christmas, it doesn't matter and well, Jesus was born in a stable and didn't have a perfect little outfit picked out.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Cookie Decorating

Every year my family decorates sugar cookies and it has been fun to watch Peyton get into it more and more each passing year. This year she helped my mom bake them one afternoon and then she did great decorating. Such a fun family memory and I loved that despite all the miles between us and all the different states and countries we live in...we were able to continue this tradition this year!


Sunday, December 18, 2011


Just a couple of days after we made it back up to Washington, John arrived! I could not have been more excited to see him and have an extra pair of hands with the kids. Even if you are with family and they are helping you out it just isn't the same without your partner!

I surprised him by bringing the kids with me to the airport to pick him up. It was a two hour drive so I had mentioned that it might be too much for them. He was so happy to see them and they were both happy to see their daddy. Peyton had made signs and was over the moon happy and wanted only daddy. Graham was smiling and was happy to finally see him in person as opposed to hearing him on Skype and wondering where he was. After we left the airport we went and ate lunch in Seattle and walked around the market and then headed to my parents.

While John was in town we showed him all our favorite eating spots, trails and also various neighborhoods and houses....hoping to convince him that we should move there!

We went to Vancouver for the day, drove around and also visited the aquarium. When we were leaving we told Peyton that whatever animal was her favorite that we would go back one more time and see it....after much thought she replied....the monkeys! Seriously! Out of all the amazing fish, whales, dolphins etc she picked the monkeys!


John also managed to go snowboarding with my dad and my sister one day and reports were that he did pretty well! I had the chance to go one day and didn't...don't know why but I just wasn't up for it and didn't feel like falling constantly and beating my body up and then having to do mommy duty! John was sore for days and it didn't seem worth it!

John and I also managed to get out on a few dates which was wonderful! Although we are pretty consistent on having a weekly date night at home here in Saudi, it is not the same as being able to go out somewhere nice! My sister flew into Seattle from Abu Dhabi and her flight arrived at midnight afternoon/evening we went to Seattle and went shopping (at Nordstroms...happy!!!), then went and had drinks and appetizers at the Four Seasons, dinner (at 10:30 PM) at the Pink Door and then dessert at the Purple Cafe! When we made reservations for dinner and all they had was 10:30 PM I just had to laugh! I don't remember the last time we were out that late and 10:30 PM is normally bed time for us...not go out for dinner! John surprised me by going to Nordstroms at the beginning of the night and getting me a new fun date outfit and then we just enjoyed walking around Seattle, sitting at restrarants, holiding hands and spennding time together!

Another night while in Bellingham we went to Hearthfire Grill and had the most AMAZING food! I have never finished my entire plate at dinner and I devoured my food. It was delicious! We have also never asked to tell the chef how great our dinner was and we had to just compliment him! I had a salmon dish and John had a tuna steak and it was wonderful! We got there just before nine and had amazing service and another late night of wonderful conversation, lots of discussions about the past six months and then looking forward to our future! So beyond thankful for the time we go to have together!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mt Baker

Before we left for Texas we decided to drive up to Mt Baker and see if we could find some places to sled. We didn't do too well on finding a suitable place and we left too late in the day but we did get to play in the snow for a little bit!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Who needs snow?

When it snowed I bought a couple of sleds to use on the hills in front of my parents house and of course we have had no snow since then.

Well, today we had a gorgeous day and so Peyton was outside with my mom while I was finishing up lunch with Graham. When I came out she asked for her sled, I was confused, she explained in greater and louder detail and I found the sled and of we went and we had so much fun! We seriously just went down the wet hills and had a blast. She was soaked but it was worth it!


 And of course after awhile just Peyton going by herself was not enough fun and somehow Mommy was convinced to join in the fun. Although I am not as brave as Peyton and was scared and felt like a baby.

 Then we both decided to go which was a bad idea...I was scared by myself and so when I added Peyton I was even more scared because I didn't want anything to happen to her. We ended up falling and I have a bruise on my hip and Peyton thought it was hilarious!

I bought some ski pants for Peyton today at Target for $15 so she won't be soaked when we go out again and also when we head out to Mt Baker eventually. Peyton is already asking to go tomorrow! 

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Christmas Tree Farm

On Saturday we headed to a Christmas Tree Farm to find the perfect tree. I was so excited to have the chance to have a real tree this year and also for the fun experience to look around and find that perfect tree. And I can even think of a better setting a view to be looking for Christmas trees in! I loved it! It was such a fun memory and although according to my mom, we got way too big of a tree, I love the tree and it is starting to feel like Christmas!

Mt Baker in the background....I just love being surronded by mountains!

 Graham chilling in the baby Bjorn with mommy!

Peyton hunting for the perfect tree! She wanted a "giant' one!

 Found time to help Papa cut it down!

The tree is home and we are working on putting the lights on! Isn't it a perfect, big, fat tree! I love it!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Snow, Donuts and Cars

Peyton is living the good life and being spoiled left and right by G and Papa and enjoying Washington as much as her mother!

She went outside to play in the snow the other morning. However she was dissapointed that there wasn't enough to make a snowman.

Then this morning she woke up early and went off with Papa to Rocket Donuts for a special breakfast. She woke up at 5 AM and asked me if it was time and I told her to go to bed, she did and apparently just went down at 6 AM to Papa and G's room in hopes she could get a different answer, they got her to go back to sleeep for another hour and then they were finally off. She had 2 donuts there and then they came home with some for us including the "monster donut."

After our sugar filled morning they surprised her with her very own set of wheels. Seriously, they had her go out and opened the garage door to reveal her very own car. It felt kind of like the Price is Right. What makes this even more fun is that this is something that my sisters and I wanted so badly growing up and of course we never got one! She was so surprised and loved it! I was surprised at how well she did driving and so I spent the morning chasing her around the driveway and she is already asking to go back out but the battery takes awhile to recharge.


We are having a good time at G and Papa's and Mommy is being spoiled with extra hands to take care of babies, ability to go and run on bautiful trails and relax with my family!