So, Tuesday we made a trip to Bed Bath and Beyond to get all of the supplies (a better food processor, some covered ice cube trays and a couple of take along storage containers) we need to start making our own baby food. I have decided that since I am staying home now that I will try to make her own baby food and see how that goes. I have done an insane amount of research and true to my over organizational side...I made a binder complete with dividers for all of the information that I printed off from various sources. Beyond my research, I have talked to a couple of moms that made their own baby food and it seems easy enough. Just as a reference, the main site that I found the most helpful is
While we were out we also had lunch with Granny at La Madeleine where Peyton continued her interest in drinking from the cup, and tasted some bread. She kept grabbing at my salad but I think she has to wait on that. Finally we went to
Kroger to pick up Peyton some fresh produce. She got butternut squash, green beans, sweet potatoes, avocados, apples and pears.
Then last night I started on making her food and it was so EASY! I started with bananas because the squash was baking and those were a breeze and then when the squash was done baking I made that up and it was ridiculously simple. In the end we already have over 60 ounces of baby food made (only squash and bananas though). I calculated that in order to break even I would have to make 76 ounces of food. I am doing pretty well considering how much more veggies and fruits I have.
So...since I have some yummy butternut squash cooked and pureed...guess what we will be doing this afternoon? Trying some squash! I am so excited to see her face!
Also, this week we have introduced a sippy cup to Peyton. She really doesn't get anything out of it the majority of the time but since she is so interested in our cups I figured she could have her own. She is doing pretty well though and is managing to get it right side in her mouth most of the time.