Showing posts with label baby #2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby #2. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

38 Weeks

We made it to 38 weeks and not a week we get to meet Graham today! Finally!

I was thinking this morning around 2 AM (and discussed the same topic prior to going to bed) when I couldn't sleep and I was thirsty but I couldn't drink anything (or eat after midnight) of how different this whole pregnancy was and that with so much going on in day to day life of being a mom to a toddler plus any other stuff that you are dealing with and lately we have been going through a just don't have the chance to sit and dwell and get anxious and the fact that you have done this all before takes the newness out of it. It is a weird feeling. Doctors appointments, shopping, registering, making the nursery and reading baby books all feel like an item on a to-do list because you are just trying to get through your day huge, uncomfortable and pregnant while managing a strong willed and opinionated toddler. And when your pregnancy involves three months of vomiting, three months of cramping and three months of constant monitoring and blood gets old. Don't get me wrong, I feel beyond blessed and am so thankful to be able to become pregnant again and carry this baby to past full term. But I have been so scared that I am never going to have that excited feeling and forget about how I am scared I can't have enough room in my heart to love him like Peyton. So, unlike the first time when you are scared about bringing home a baby, what to do, when to feed him etc, this time it is a different and more complex set of fears and emotions.

Well, today when I finally gave up on sleep around 5 AM I woke up with an anticipation and excitement. I even talked to Graham and told him to get ready because around 9:30 AM someone was pulling him out whether he was awake and ready or not! I can't wait to hold him, I know that God will give me the capacity to love him just as much as Peyton but in different ways and to appreciate the unique man that he will be. I am trusting in God and having faith that He will continue to guide us and give us the right discernment in raising Graham as He has been our source of strength with Peyton. I am ready and so excited and made sure to wear waterproof mascara!

Off we go to the hospital.....

The 3 Musketeers...

...will soon add another to their group.

We had a wonderful weekend spending time together and getting ready for the big addition to our family. Sunday, my sister took Peyton to the Rodeo so John and I took the opportunity to go out for brunch together at a place we found in Houston Heights called Java, Java. It was a wonderful way to spend Sunday morning and enjoy each others company and spend some time together. We then visited a couple of furniture stores in the Heights, made our way to Pottery Barn and then headed home to do some housework. Peyton had a blast at the Rodeo and slept for three hours when she got home (in addition to the hour in the car) so she was pooped! When she finally woke up we headed out for Mexican food and I enjoyed fish tacos from my favorite place, La Brisa! Since Peyton slept so much we went to Granny and Papa's for a late night visit and then all went home to bed.

Today Peyton and I had music, finished packing our bags and cleaning up the house and then we went for our final family dinner as a family of three. When John and I went out the night before we had Peyton we went to Saltgrass in Kemah...this time.....because I was tired, didn't want to deal with Peyton and a real restaurant and because I had my fish tacos the night before...we ended up at the glamorous Chick fil A! But we did get a visit from the cow and got our picture with him! Fun memories!

In just a little bit I will be putting my precious daughter to bed knowing that tomorrow I will be the mommy to two precious little children. I am so excited and feel beyond blessed to be adding to our family but at the same time am sad that it will no longer be us three. It is a weird mix of emotions and so hard to explain!

I can't wait to hold Graham, finally see him not on a ultrasound and kiss him! I am also beyond excited about seeing Peyton finally "get" her baby brother and see her grow into her role as a big sister. I know she will do wonderfully and I am excited for her and for Graham. He has a pretty awesome older sister! And I am overjoyed that John gets to have a son and that I get to see him interact with his son! It will be a good day for sure!

Please pray for our family this week though as we are dealing with a wide variety of emotions. Today Cheryl Acord, John's aunt, passed away and our hearts are very heavy with sadness for the loss and for her family. She was a wonderful woman who loved so many and served so many. She was beyond gracious to so many people and such an influential person in John's life and the stories I could say about how she truly helped form him into the man he is today and helped shape his life in the direction it went are numerous. We will miss her terribly and our hearts and prayers are with her husband and three children. The funeral is Wednesday so John will be headed out to Katy to attend that and I hate that I can't be there with him and also say my own goodbyes.

Overall, a week of sadness and loss but excitement and anticipation with the welcoming of Graham. Please pray over tomorrow and the delivery and that he arrives safe and healthy and for my recovery to be smooth and healthy and then pray for Wednesday for John and his family as they say good bye to Cheryl.

We will update tomorrow with pictures of the little guy as soon as we can!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Clean bill of health

For the past three months I feel like every time I leave the doctor it is something else. Well, of course, the week before my scheduled c-section and when all my doctor's expected me to be sent to the hospital today, we get our first clean bill of health in months.

Ultrasound showed great fluid levels, a healthy placenta, great practice breathing and everything working as it should. My Non Stress Test showed great heart beat variations and contractions every five minutes apart however when she checked everything I have no changes so no worries. Blood pressure was normal for me at this stage and the high risk doctor sent me on my way with instructions to send her a picture of Graham when he comes!

SERIOUSLY GRAHAM!!!! and my body have caused problems constantly this pregnancy and now everything is normal! I just had to laugh when I walked back to my car knowing that I didn't have to visit the hospital today, that I could actually pick up Peyton today from school and that I had a trunk full of bags that just needed to be moved back into the house! So...unless something changes in a week (my water breaks or I start going into labor) we will be meeting Graham next Tuesday morning...oh how unpredictable babies can be!

37 Weeks and Ready for Baby

We have made it full term! I am 37 weeks tomorrow but since I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning and there is a huge possibility I will be sent straight to the hospital to have Graham after the appointment, I figured I should do my 37 week post tonight!

Since my last post we ended up spending another 4 hours at the hospital on Thursday. This time I was supposed to do a Non Stress Test for about 30 minutes to 1 hour but since my regular doctor doesn't do them at her office so I had to go the hospital. While I was at my appointment however I mentioned feeling nauseous the night before and that morning so she wanted to do some blood work at the hospital as well. No big deal...and 6 vials of blood later nothing! BUT, during my NST at the hospital I started showing contractions every 5 minutes! Are you kidding me! I wasn't really feeling any pain and after another 90 minutes of monitoring and getting checked to confirm that the contractions were causing me to dilate etc I was sent home. My doctor called me and told me what to look for and also to mention that she really didn't even see me making it to my newly scheduled date of March 8th and to just have my stuff ready to go on my appointment Tuesday with the high risk doctor and that she was even marking her appointment book to note that she would probably be delivering me that afternoon. She reiterated that as annoying as all this is, she really wanted me to make it to 37 weeks at the minimum and that is why she hasn't thrown in the towel and just delivered him.
Well, tomorrow is 37 weeks....and this is how I am looking....HUGE! I feel like my stomach is a lot bigger than it was with Peyton and some of my maternity shirts are even too tight with Graham. I believe I have gained right around the same amount with both of them and maybe slightly more with Graham but interesting enough I haven't gained any weight these last two weeks with him which has been nice considering all of the Girl Scout cookies I have been eating.

Peyton - 37 weeks Graham- 37 weeks

Since my Thursday visit to the hospital I have been feeling pretty good until yesterday. Last night I started having discomfort in my lower abdomen and tightening and just feeling awful. I attributed it to doing too much over the weekend and since it didn't get worse I just went to sleep. I woke up this morning, somewhat uncomfortable but nothing too bad and made sure to sleep a bunch today....which meant tons of Dora, Diego and Barney for Peyton. Well, at 4:00 PM today I started having the same pain, discomfort and even started feeling some contractions. They have been coming off and on all night, the pain getting a little more intense but nothing regular and mostly staying in my lower abdomen. I do think that he has dropped a little which is weird since he is breached but even a friend noticed he was lower today so maybe that is what is going on.

Since it hasn't gotten more regular or worse as the night as gone and I have an appointment tomorrow morning, I didn't call my doctor but it makes me feel like my doctor is probably right that he will be coming tomorrow...or I have a week of annoying discomfort, pain and more doctor's appointments. I am fine either way as long as have a healthy little boy in my arms at the less than 24 hours or a week.....we will see!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Trial Run #2

So we got to do another trial run to the hospital with Graham today and I am pretty confident we are beyond ready logistically at this point to meet this guy and that I am tired of visiting the hospital and leaving with no baby!

Here is the story of the day.....I went to my weekly appointment with the high risk doctor to do my non stress test and ultrasound and during the non stress test Graham's heart rate was on the lower side and didn't show much variation. Most of the time it will increase drastically when he moves/kicks and then go back down. Today it stayed around 110-125 and didn't go up hardly at all.

The doctor didn't say anything and had me continue with my ultrasound and it looked great, he is around 6lbs 7 oz right now (they think a little bigger since he wasn't cooperating to get great measurements) and growing wonderfully and his lungs, bladder, stomach, heart etc all look perfect! He is also measuring about 10 days ahead of schedule. I also didn't lose any fluid this week which is a praise.

But when I was done with everything the doctor commented how she would have like to see more variation in his heart rate and that the baseline was a little low even during the ultrasound. So, she was recommending that I go and do a longer and better non stress test at the hospital. I was fine with that, asked how long it would take... a couple of hours... and then she mentioned...very casually..."and if his heart rate does more of the same over those couple of hours and doesn't have any variation we will just go ahead and deliver." I just looked at her with disbelief because she said it so casually and almost like an afterthought. We talked about the possibility of a delivery that day and implications on Graham and she was comfortable with his development and what she saw on the ultrasound that he would be fine but obviously would rather we didn't.

I left the office, called my parents to let them know what was going on and have them pick up Peyton from school, called John to come home in case we did have to deliver and I didn't want to track him down as I was being wheeled into the operating room, came home to pack Peyton's bag, grab some last minute stuff, take out the trash and run the dishwasher and then John got home and we dropped off the extra car seat at my parents and went to the hospital.

I was monitored for about 2 hours and within 30 minutes the nurse commented that he did not look like a baby in distress and was fine. John and I played some games and watched TV. Fun times and headed home with a list of what to watch for and a request from the nurse to try and keep Graham inside for a couple more weeks. I did like that again I had AMAZING nurses and that we were really well cared for. Each time I go I get more and more reassured that we will be fine when we finally do have him.

As for all the last minute stuff to do before you go to the hospital....I realized we were pretty well off and ready and even more so now....we now have Peyton's bag packed and I am not unpacking it since she has plenty of clothes to wear for two weeks and the extra car seat installed in my parents car so I guess that is a positive.

I talked to my doctor tonight and I will see her Thursday as planned and she had no real explanation for why he did what he did this morning besides that the NST at the doctor's office is not as advanced and high tech as the one at the hospital. She just requested that I take it easy and monitor for any contractions or changes in anything.

So....please pray that if Graham needs to come early because he is in distress or my body is not doing what he needs to that he and my body makes it very evident BUT if he needs to stay in for the next two weeks that he does and all my labs, monitoring, scans etc are normal!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

36 weeks....14 more days!

We are in the homestretch! Only 14 more days! We are officially scheduled to meet Graham on March 8th!

This past week and weekend we have been BUSY BUSY BUSY with finishing up baby prep and my list of what is left is short....disinfect Peyton's toys, wash all of our sheets before we head to the hospital and pack Peyton's bag the weekend before! We did so much this weekend such as de-cluttering and organizing our master bedroom closet, cleaning the vents/fans and TONS of yard work! We only have two more weekends before Graham comes and the weekend before he comes is already full with visiting with friends who will be in town and cleaning/packing so we really only have next weekend free.

As much as we did get done this weekend I will be honest that it was a hard weekend for me emotionally. I am not the type of girl to sit down and not help and growing up we did all kinds of stuff around the house so I am used to working, building and doing hard labor and it is super hard to sit down and supervise. I hate not being useful and hate feeling lazy! I love hauling bags of dirt, planting and feeling achy and sore at the end of the day. Then....I also realized that even after having Graham and after my recovery I will still not be able to help/do as much for awhile because I will be busy caring for two children. It really has only been since Peyton turned 2 that she can be out there working with me and I finally felt like I had some free time and ability to do more than just caring for the household chores/Peyton. I am going to have to be patient and remember this is just a phase of life and one that I need to sit back and enjoy!

Another thing that hit me this weekend is how Peyton will no longer be my baby/only child. I love our family of three and I am a little sad to see it end. I love devoting all my time and attention on Peyton and the relationship that we have been building. I am scared of how she will react to the baby, being a big sister and most of all sharing Mommy. I worry about her and am trying to remember that she will be fine!

This weekend just brought forth the reality of how close we are and how much life is about to change in two short weeks. So, here are some specific things that we are really asking for prayer for....
  • For my c-section and that everything goes well before, during and after surgery. Wisdom and attentiveness for my doctors and nurses. That I am healthy at the end of the surgery. And for my fears of having the surgery and the whole process. Pray for peace for me.
  • For Graham and that he is delivered healthy and we can start and have success in establishing breast feeding as soon as possible.
  • For my recovery and that it is speedy and that I rest and allow my body to recover. Specifically that I take it easy, accept the help that is offered and remember my limits and yet have the energy and strength I need physically and emotionally to care for my family.
  • For Peyton as she adjusts to being a big sister. That she understands and still feels loved when Mommy can't pick up her and carry her around. That she is not affected by the inconsistency in her day to day life those first few weeks when other people are caring for her etc.
  • That despite the tiredness and stress of a newborn that John and I daily seek God for strength, wisdom and guidance on how to raise a son and how to adjust to being a family of four!

And I leave you with my wonderful pregnant belly...I am getting so big and feel huge! Next week I am planning on wearing the same outfit for my 37 week picture that I did with Peyton so we can compare. That was the last picture I had with Peyton so lucky Graham will get one more before we venture into the hospital!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Stop with the food holidays....

I realized today while eating Girl Scout cookies that with this pregnancy I have hit every single major eating holiday....seriously......

TONS of Birthdays (Peyton, my mom's, booth of my sister's, mine, and my dad's)
College Football Season
Christmas Eve (big food night at my parents house)
New Years Eve (we do lots of snacks etc as a family)
College National Championship Football Game
Super Bowl
Valentine's Day
Girl Scout cookie delivery
I traded the heat of the summer for a calorie filled pregnancy....the second has been more enjoyable but my poor body! Somehow I have managed to stay right around the same weight as Peyton. How I have no idea!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

35 weeks...20 days to go!

I know that 5 weeks does not equal 20 days but when you are having a repeat c-section those numbers tend to not match!

Finally we have a new date that I believe will not change nor do I want it to change. We will be having Graham the week of March 7... about 20 days away. I should have the newly scheduled date when I go in on Thursday for an appointment. Mostly this is because the specialist wants him delivered between 38-39 weeks and my doctor is gone the 39th week so that leaves the week of March 7. Finally a final date and one that I want to stick. I don't want him any earlier!

As a result of my fluctatuating blood pressures and wanting to verify that it wasn't hurting my body, I did another 24 hour urine collection but at home on Sunday, dropped it off Monday and did some blood work. I will be doing weekly blood work now until he comes to test my kidney function. I didn't think much about the whole collection thing until I realized that we had offered to watch our friend's kids (an almost 3 year old and 3 month old) Sunday night so they could go on a date and that meant trucking over there with my cooler and "sample." At least we have all gone through the joys and strange stuff of pregnancy and got a good laugh! Then when I had to go in to get my blood work drawn, I just took Peyton with me. We had music class later that morning and it just made since since they are in the same area and both about 15-20 minutes from the house. Everything was going great, peyton was being awesome and then I realized that I had to sit in a chair, get a needle and get my blood drawn and NOT act like a baby like I normally do. I HATE HATE HATE getting needles and blood work done and normally act like a baby. Not something you can do when your toddler is already looking a little freaked out and even gave you her lovey to comfort you! I made it through and actually found it easier since I was trying to talk to her and distract her from flipping out/grabbing at the vials and other interesting objects! I am also glad I took her because my doctor hasn't seen her in forever and one of the nurses there was one of my nurses with her and she hasn't seen her in two years and loved being able to see her. You never realize how much time you spend with these nurses during your pregnancy and how much they also care about delivering you a healthy baby at the end. They work so hard and I am so appreciative of the awesome nurses I have!

My ultrasound and stress test were this morning and my fluid dropped again.....25 cm. which was kind of expected. I am having more regular contractions but nothing concerning and overall he looks fine and healthy. My appointment next week will involve a more in depth ultrasound to monitor growth and ensure that my blood pressure etc hasn't restricted his growth. Two more appointments with the specialist and then Graham will be here!

As for baby preparation...I made some serious progress this past weekend and have very little left, which is good because we are running out of time! My biggest things left is arranging all the details for Peyton and where she is going on what days etc while I am in the hospital! I also need to pack her bag etc but I figured I would just do it the night before since she uses so much of it everyday anyways.

Here is what our list looks like now......

Send email to family
Wash clothes/blankets/bibs etc from shower
Call Bayside Bed and Biscuit for Titus
Make master grocery list of items we regularly buy
Arrange for Peyton's care
Print off Peyton schedule and important numbers to put with bag
Master bathroom mirror project done
Spray paint patio table done
Get watch battery replaced
Clean out freezer/fridge
Sort/declutter master closet bookcase and master bathroom
Make Rice and Bean Taco's to Freeze
Make Spaghetti Pie to Freeze
Wash baseboards
Clean fans and vents
Get extra stationary to write thank you notes etc
Make email/text list of friends and family to inform
Print off and prepare as much as possible of passport application
Call Dr Quillinabout procedure since not delivering at Clear Lake
Get Dyson working and all parts here
Check to make sure breast pump is working
Sort and clean out pantry
Sort/declutter guest bathroom and desk area and hall closet
Disinfect all of Peyton's toys
Move swing and bassinet to appropriate places
Batteries in swing/ bouncer etc
Bring pack n'play, bouncer to parents
Car Seat adapter in John's car
Peyton extra car seat to parents
Car seat by hospital bags
Pack hospital bags for Che
Pack diaper bag
Mulch/clean up backyard
Make Chicken/Brocolli Casserole to Freeze
Buy frozen Stouffer meals
Make list of addresses for birth announcements
Get information on adding Graham to insurance
Pick out birth announcements
Decide on poses etc to do with Graham for pictures
Sort/declutter living room
Buy extra pull ups/wipes for Peyton
Stock up on toliet paper/paper towels/buy one extra dog food
Get gift for Graham to give to Peyton at hospital
Wrap gift for Peyton
Che haircut
Clean Graham's room/fan/vents etc
Clean house (major cleaning) one last time
Wash bed sheets/changing pad one last time

And as I look at the list I realize that the things that are left really don't matter all that much. They are nice to do items but not needed which I guess is part of having your second and realizing that all you really need is some diapers, wipes, some sort of bed for them to sleep in and a food source...the cleaning and other supplies are just nice to have!

Off to pick up Peyton from school and hopefully spend some time outside enjoing this beautiful weather...finally!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Finally finished!

Graham's room is finally finished! All we need is a baby!

I FINALLY got the letter I ordered off of Etsy (from Whimsical Rooms) and it is hung up above his changing table area and looks great! I decided to not do his whole name and just get a 20" letter G and I am really pleased with how it turned out but I will be honest it take a little too long to get it (about 8 weeks) which I might understand if I ordered a whole name but not for one letter. I also love how Peyton immediately walked in and pointed to it and said "G."
Another nice surprise in the mail today was a gift from a friend who got Peyton and Graham Big Sister and Little Brother shirts also from an Etsy seller....Rock Paper Sisters. You can't tell from the first picture but their names are wrapped around the circle. I can't wait to get pictures of them in their shirts.
More progress this weekend in Graham's room was the collection of our hospital bag (minus stuff I use everyday...hence the list in the bag). So far I have just packed my stuff, pillows, an extra blanket for me, blanket and sheets for John and then the diaper bag. I am just going to pack Peyton's stuff before we leave and well...John is on his own for his stuff!Another detail in Graham's room that I haven't shared is his going home outfit. My grandmother knit an outfit for me and each of my sisters and she did one for Peyton as well. So it has become a tradition for all the grandchildren and great grandchildren to have an outfit to come home in. She knit the sweater, booties and hat for Graham and I love it! I just found a simple brown shirt and pants to go under it and I can't wait to see him in it. I remember how adorable Peyton was in her outfit!
We are getting more and more ready which also means more and more anxious! All the little things are falling in place and we are counting down until we meet our little man!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

34 Weeks

Another week down and approximately 31 or so days left!

How did we get so close? Well, AGAIN my doctor decided to adjust my delivery date. Based off my last appointment (last Tuesday, 2/1) and seeing my fluid levels slightly (ever so slightly) down from my last ultrasound in the hospital, having fluctuating blood pressure readings and my history, not knowing my exact due date and not wanting to go past due knowing that past due babies have to be monitored for placenta and fluid issues (which are already an issue with me)....the high risk doctor recommended delivering between 38-39 weeks. So, that puts us back to the second week of March since my doctor is going on vacation the third week. I am waiting on the newly scheduled c-section date but it will probably be March 10 or 11 so I am as far along as possible before my doctor leaves. So...back to having a new date that hopefully is the final date! We don't want Graham to come anytime before this new date!

At 33 weeks and 5 days

I had another ultrasound/non stress test today and everything is still looking good. During the non stress test I had about three contractions about 10 minutes apart but everything looked normal. As for my ultrasound my fluid levels dropped slightly again...about .25 cm...and are just below normal for the stage of the pregnancy at an AFI of 11.53 cm. Nothing to worry about but it is showing a trend and as long as the pattern of .25 cm each week holds up we are fine. It is when we start losing whole centimeters that we need to worry. When I started having this with Peyton I had an AFI index of 9 cm at 35 weeks and then 5 cm the day before I delivered at 37 weeks. So, a 11.53 cm reading is good news! What is even more interesting is all the various things they look at to see if this is affecting Graham such as his stomach and bladder and ensuring that they are full which indicates that he has enough fluid to swallow/function. I feel so beyond blessed and thankful that we have access to the medical care that we do to make sure that we get a healthy little boy here!

We are very much ready for precious Graham to arrive and I am getting very excited about seeing him, holding him and beginning our life as a family of four. I was able to get a good amount crossed off my list over the weekend and once I get my new date can get several more done pretty quickly. I really would like to finalize everything for Peyton and Titus this week and start packing at least my hospital bag. We did put out the swing over the weekend so I could get Titus used to it again and also teach Peyton not to hang on it or sit in it. So far so good for both of them but we will try turning it on in the coming weeks and see what happens! I also managed to make one meal to freeze so we are well on our way to checking off items!

I have my regular appointment Thursday and hopefully everything will be pretty routine there and then back for another ultrasound etc next Tuesday!


Update from my Thursday appointment....

Blood pressure is still fluctuating and random. I will be starting weekly blood work to check kindney function until Graham comes (not fun since I HATE my blood getting drawn) and I have to do a 24 urine collection again but this time at home starting Sunday.

Finally...looks like our date will be March 8th so about 26 days or so to go.....

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Baby's Coming Checklist.....

I mentioned in an earlier post about my need to create a list of things to tackle/get done by the time Graham arrives...more specifically by 36 weeks. I have given myself a deadline of the end of February for most things and a couple of things the first week in March. This is what I have so far...anything I missed?

Send email to family
Wash clothes/blankets/bibs etc from shower
Call Bayside Bed and Biscuit for Titus
Make master grocery list of items we regularly buy
Arrange for Peyton's care
Print off Peyton schedule and important numbers to put with bag
Master bathroom mirror project done
Spray paint patio table done
Get watch battery replaced
Clean out freezer/fridge
Sort/declutter master closet bookcase and master bathroom
Make Rice and Bean Taco's to Freeze
Make Spaghetti Pie to Freeze
Wash baseboards
Clean fans and vents
Get extra stationary to write thank you notes etc
Make email/text list of friends and family to inform
Print off and prepare as much as possible of passport application (since we will probably be traveling this summer and need to make sure that is not something we forget/get behind on)
Call Dr Quillin (pediatrician) about procedure since not delivering at Clear Lake which is where he has privileges
Get Dyson working and all parts here
Check to make sure breast pump is working
Sort and clean out pantry
Sort/declutter guest bathroom and desk area and hall closet
Disinfect all of Peyton's toys
Move swing/bassinet to appropriate places
Batteries in swing/bouncer etc
Bring pack n'play, and extra bouncer to parents
Car Seat adapter in John's car
Peyton extra car seat (actually Graham's toddler car seat we got on sale) to parents
Car seat by hospital bags
Pack hospital bags for everyone
Mulch/clean up backyard
Make Chicken/Broccoli Casserole to Freeze
Buy frozen Stouffer meals
Make list of addresses for birth announcements
Get information on adding Graham to insurance
Pick out birth announcements
Decide on poses etc to do with Graham for pictures
Sort/declutter living room
Buy extra pull ups/wipes for Peyton
Stock up on toilet paper/paper towels/buy one extra dog food
Get gift for Graham to give to Peyton at hospital
Che haircut
Clean Graham's room/fan/vents etc
Clean house (major cleaning) one last time
Wash bed sheets/changing pad one last time
Whew....that is a bunch to do and a little overwhelming but exciting at the same time since it will keep me busy and by the time I am done...Graham should be here! Or pretty close to it!

Waiting on doctors....and SNOW!

It is getting cold outside! I am starting to get excited about the possibility of snow this Friday! Hopefully it will happen during the day and Peyton can experience it! John is covering up all of our plants right now and hopefully most of them will survive. The freeze last year did a number on our landscaping and John really would rather not spend money again this year replacing stuff!

Other than waiting on the freeze/snow....I spent a good part of my day waiting at the doctor's office for an ultrasound to check my fluid levels and Graham. After 3 hours total....I found out that my fluid levels are good, he is still breached but his legs go from a fetal position to all the way stretched out, and he is measuring two weeks earlier and is a whopping 5 lbs already! That puts him at an estimated 8.5 lbs at 40 weeks! He is only 1 lb 7 ounces away from where Peyton was at birth!

Following my ultrasound, I got my blood pressure checked and it was fine and also did a 30 minute Non Stress Test to measure heart rate and contractions. I had two for sure contractions (I felt one of them) and several minor ones in the 30 minutes but overall everything looked fine. BUT....I do get to go every week until he comes to have an ultrasound (continue to look at fluid) and do a 30 minute NST. FUN! So, for example, next week on Tuesday I will do all of the ultrasound etc and then Thursday I have my regular doctor's appointment. I am beyond grateful that we can send Peyton to MDO on Tuesdays and Thursdays and although I would rather be doing something other than sitting in doctor's appointments during that time at least I can schedule them around her being at school.

Since I will be spending forever waiting at doctor's offices until this little man makes his appearance I am planning on picking up our Valentine's Day present this coming Thursday as an early gift since we are getting an e-reader, more specifically the Nook. So...if anyone has some good recommendations on NON BABY books to read?, let me know as I am sure I will be finishing plenty in these next few weeks!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Now we are 33 weeks....

So, now we are 33 weeks considering unless my body goes into labor or I have complications, we are not moving my c-section date from 7 weeks from today.

Not much has changed since my last "33 week" post. I am still super uncomfortable, miserable and pretty down on pregnancy! I had a brief moment over the weekend where I tried to be positive and change my thinking from "this stinks" to "this is the last time I get to ____." That worked for about a day and then I was cranky again! I mostly think I just need to keep myself busy these coming weeks so I am not thinking about how much longer I have and I am also trying to remember I at least need to do 4 more weeks. I can do 4! stay busy this week....I am having coffee with a couple of mom's from a mom's bible study that I am in tonight, doing some shopping/errands tomorrow while Peyton is at school, bible study/church on Wednesday, Thursday night is a small group social event for the mom's bible study I am in, Friday is gymnastics, and then Saturday there is a Valentine's Making Party at our church for the little kids, then I have my baby shower and then dinner with some good friends! I am thinking that is a good, full week to take my mind off baby!

I am also trying to make a better list of things to do before the end of February so I will be working on that as well as starting to look into prices for Summer vacations so we have an idea of what we can or can't afford and what we will need to save. So, I am figuring that between my normal job of being mom/wife/cook/maid and my other commitments this week and other stuff to plan....I should keep my mind off baby for another week and then next Monday I will come up with some new tasks to keep me occupied!

Now I have to get everyone dressed and out the door so we can go by the bank, and Target before Kindermusik!

Have a happy Monday....oh....and apparently we might get snow later this week....weird....I will have to look into this rumor!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Doctor Appointment Update....add one more week....

I had my doctor appointment today and all is well with Graham. I am growing (aka..gaining weight), his heart beat is normal (134 bpm) and my blood pressure was fine. She looked over my chart that I have been keeping with my daily blood pressure readings and although they are mostly low, there are occasionally high readings and so she is officially stating that I have transient gestational hypertension. I am to keep monitoring my blood pressure three times a day and documenting it. Essentially my body is doing exactly what it did with Peyton at the end just a month earlier. I also have an ultrasound next week to monitor fluid levels and will probably be having an ultrasound every three weeks and my doctor appointments every two to keep monitoring fluid levels and my blood pressure. Same stuff we did with Peyton.

As for my due date....they are not adjusting it as I thought. Based off my 6 week and 10 week ultrasounds, it puts me at or right around March 22 and standard practice is not to adjust past those ultrasounds because of the room for error. And since Caucasian boys lungs develop slower they really don't like to adjust boy due dates unless there is clear evidence that it needs to be which right now there isn't. And both the high risk doctor and my doctor mentioned that given all the stuff my body is starting to do, they would be surprised if I made it to my scheduled c-section date anyways. They really see me having increased blood pressure issues, starting to see diminished fluid levels and delivering because of fluid levels....just like Peyton.

As of now we are back to March 21.....a day before my due date. You may be asking....Why isn't it a week earlier like most scheduled c-sections? Well, that is because my doctor will be on vacation for Spring Break! So, we are all hoping, my doctor including, that I don't go into labor on my own (that would be interesting) the week she is gone and that I hold off until she is back in the office on the 21st! In the end I know that babies come when they want to and we can plan as much as possible and he can come at a completely different time. I am still sticking with my "have everything done by 36 weeks" plan which puts us at February 21 and will be working out arrangements based off of delivering March 21. But at the same time I will be thinking through the "what if I go into labor" scenarios and have an idea of what we would do if that happens. In the end, all I want and pray for is a healthy little boy and as much as I wanted to get this pregnancy done earlier, have Graham here when my sister Shannon was home from college on Spring Break...I keep reminding myself what the most important thing is.

So, please say prayers for my blood pressure to stay manageable, and that my fluid levels stay high for as long as possible so we can keep Graham cooking longer and for him to arrive when it is the right time!

Kindermusik and 33 Weeks

This week has been kind of quiet and low key so not much to write about. But I will say that I have had one pretty agreeable and happy toddler on my hands. We have had some weird crying fits after nap time on Sunday, Monday and then some afternoon crankiness on Tuesday but today was fine. I don't know what those were about but for the most part I have had a happy, silly little girl on my hands! This was us running some errands today.....

On Monday Peyton started a Kindermusik class at a church in the area which we are excited about. She did Kindermusik about a year ago or so and enjoyed it but since then we have done other stuff such as swimming over the summer and then gymnastics. We are still doing gymnastics until the end of February. I HATED stopping gymnastics since Peyton loves going but since I will be unable to take Peyton for six weeks or so once Graham comes due to my recovery and then the more I thought about it, I didn't see how it would really work carrying around a newborn and helping Peyton in her class since it is pretty much parent led. So, we are stopping gymnastics and I hope that maybe next fall we can do it again and in the meantime will be doing lots of their open gyms!

So, in place of gymnastics we decided to do Kindermusik again since I can easily incorporate Graham into that activity. Monday was our first day and she had a blast. She did great and it was amazing to see how much she has changed in a year and the way she was participating in the class this time as opposed to last time. I am looking forward to this new activity together and watching her pick up more and more each week!

She was dressed in a Valentine's Day themed shirt and leggings and I tried to get a good picture of her while we were walking out the door but she wasn't cooperating and just wanted to leave for "music" so this is the best I could do....I loved her leggings and boots!

Today I am 33 weeks pregnant and completely uncomfortable. Nothing new going on with me and Graham besides him growing and me growing as well. I feel like I have gotten huge lately. I am having difficulty sleeping and am essentially not sleeping at all (maybe 3-4 hours a night) which is getting old. My blood pressure has been low though which is good and I have an appointment tomorrow with my doctor.

I did spend some time cleaning out his closet and organizing it which felt great. All of his clothes are organized by month/size and then his blankets are organized and everything finally has a place in either the baskets/hanging organizer/the plastic drawer thing in his closet or in his dresser in his room. We are really getting ready and I feel like we have most everything we need for him besides all of the disposable stuff you got through such diapers/wipes/soap/lotion and diaper cream and various other little items. I love the look of an organized closet.....
However, to organize the closet, I had to take out everything that was being stored in there that in the end will not be kept in there such as the swing, car seat, car seat adapters and stroller. Since it is silly to put all of that out already they are just sitting in the middle of his room. So, his closet looks nice and put together and his room has become a dumping ground!

I keep telling myself that come February 16 (when I will be 36 weeks) I can put out the swing, pack our bags for the hospital, put the car seat by the door and extra adapter in John's car, the bassinet in our room, bring the pack n' play to my parents and just start getting things more in place. I know from the last time that when you find out at the last minute at 37 weeks that you are having a baby it is nice to know that the only arrangements you have to make in those 24 hours is adjusting your dog's boarding and vacuuming the house!

So, things I would like to accomplish this week ( mostly once I get our new c-section date) is finalized Peyton's arrangements for the day of Graham's birth, print out her information/schedule etc, make arrangements for Titus and start a list of cleaning projects to be done by 36 weeks!

Then we only have 3 weeks to do all of that cleaning, pack our bags, make some meals to freeze, create a master grocery list with brand names etc to pass off to John/family, pick up a gift for Graham to give Peyton when she comes to the hospital to see him, send out notes to family with all of the details of when and what to expect, get everything washed and in the right place before my self imposed 36 week deadline! Crazy! These next three weeks might be a little more busier than I thought...which hopefully will help them fly by!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Stroller Has Arrived....

After a long wait, my stroller finally arrived yesterday afternoon!!! After getting over the initial burst of anger that the Fed Ex man rang the bell during Peyton's nap causing our dog to go crazy....I calmed Titus down, made sure Peyton was asleep and then dragged the box inside to start investigating.

First impression, the box was small that it came in (more thin than small) which was encouraging already. Pulled it out and it was super easy to put together. Quickly realized that the basket underneath is useless and you can unsnap some of the snaps on the side when you need to get in and out which will probably happen when we are on a long shopping trip when you don't need anything after you buy it.

Second impression, it fit through all the hallways and arches of my house. Did not fit through the door of Graham's room when I went to store it but overall pretty compact for a double stroller. A little more difficult to fold, kind of have to pull and wiggle but maybe that is just the newness?

LOVE the canopies! Very big and provide super coverage!

Now onto the accessories that cost a fortune when you added them up and turns out to not be very impressive and I am returning half of them.
  1. Accessory #1: Parent Console - only goes on one side, a little weird to put on but all in all, I good purchase and design. It has two deep pockets with a Velcro lid so things don't dump out when folding etc and a cup holder. Satisfied!
  2. Accessory #2: Bumper Bar - didn't realize how nice two separate adjustable bumper bars would be since they are both going to be such different ages but oh well. The only stroller that had that was the Bumble ride Indie Twin and that folds HUGE! In the end Peyton will probably be the primary user of the bumper bar to pull herself up and when Graham will need it she will either not care or maybe not even be in the stroller very much. Result...keeping it.
  3. Accessory# 3: Snack Trays - STUPID DESIGN! They snap onto the bumper bar and then Velcro to secure. Seemed like a good idea but they are way too high even for Peyton and then when you adjust the bar, they tilt. And I noticed that they have to sit off to the side and not in front of the child which annoys me and causes me to mildly freak out that it isn't straight. Also, realized that two don't really fit on the bumper bar and it just seemed annoying. Result...returning to Amazon ASAP! I will be using these straps that I had for Peyton on my jogging stroller that Velcro around the cup so it won't fall out of the stroller and then using snack cups when they want a snack.
  4. Accessory #4: Rain cover - it is a rain cover, nothing too exciting but it does fit well and is easy to put on.
  5. Accessory #5: Car Seat Adapter - kind of disappointing on that as well which at 10:00 PM at night when you are putting it together almost made me want to return everything and cry out of pregnancy hormones. We finally got it together (pictures and directions were horrible) and got the car seat out and on it and it wasn't as secure as we would like and you essentially can't really fold the stroller with it on. It folds but it has this huge adapter hanging out there and is impractical for traveling. It would work if you have the time to be careful putting it in and out of your car but not when you are boarding a plane etc. Travel was the main reason I got it because if we were flying a long distance I would probably pay for Graham to have a seat, bring his car seat and he could sleep there so I wouldn't have my hands full with him while trying to care for Peyton and if by some miracle of God they both were sleeping, I could sleep as well without worrying about him. Well, we talked about it last night and realized that if I flew to Canada (most trips) I wouldn't pay for a seat for him since it is a short flight and I would just check his car seat like I did with Peyton. The stroller seats recline fully so he can use it from day one. If we were doing any other kind of travel then chances are John would be with me and we could do several options.... #1 use the double and he carry the empty car seat through the airport.... #2 use the snap and go and check the double and Peyton walk.....#3 use the snap and go, and the single umbrella for Peyton and check the double (silly as it would give us three strollers when we arrive somewhere) although those seem silly, it showed us that we have some options, it isn't as critical as we needed it and since I cant find a stroller that meets the car seat adapter function without compromising on weight and fold then I would rather just return it and get some money back....result...being returned!

So....after I return everything, I am going ahead and getting the travel bag so if I do want to check it or even store it etc I have that option.

Peyton loved it and climbed in and watched Dora yesterday afternoon while sitting in it and made sure to tell me that the baby will be going beside her. I love how small it folds, it only weighs 26 lbs which is heavy enough and the folding strap to keep it closed is a little annoying but easy to find and do and seems like it would hold it well enough.

Looking back the only other option that I think would have been a contender is the Bumble ride Indie Twin but especially now that I am returning accessories it would have been a whole bunch more and I can't over the additional 10 lbs it weighs and how big it is when it is folded and I just don't think that is practical when traveling. I am glad I didn't go with the Stroll Air My Duo because I love how Peyton can crawl in and out of the City Mini without any assistance and the Stroll Air seats were higher and also just seemed more appropriate for babies not tall and active toddlers.

So far, it is what I expected and hasn't exceeded my expectations but I am not disappointed (just with the accessories that I have to now return and deal with).

Stay tuned for when we really test this out...March and then hopefully more so this summer with some trips!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

32 Weeks

We made it another week and have between 49-56 (49 puts me at 37 weeks and 56 is at 39 weeks when my c-section will likely be scheduled) more days! After my appointment last week and my subsequent visit to the hospital I am keenly aware of how much can go wrong these last few weeks and how important it is to keep Graham inside and give him more time to grow.

As I left the hospital on Friday I was given a couple of things I needed to do, one, was see a neurologist that my doctor got me into to just go over my MRI and just do a follow up since I am still having headaches and spots/stars in my vision and then the second thing was to rest and try to not get my blood pressure up and if it was to go over 140/90 to call her immediately.

Neurologist....was able to get in yesterday and was told that my headaches and spotty vision were caused by pregnancy....Really? The doctor was very nice and thorough and went through a whole bunch of tests to test my neurological response and went through my history and just said they were likely caused by hormones and pregnancy. He agreed with me being very conservative in what medicine to take to help relieve the pain and we agreed on sticking with regular Tylenol and if they are unbearable to prescribe me Tylenol 3 which even he as a conservative doctor would be fine with giving me. Some doctors would prescribe Vicodin or something stronger but I won't take it pregnant and he agreed with me. He said if I am still having headaches and I am done breastfeeding to come back. For now...5-7 more weeks of headaches that don't completly go away with Tylenol but are manageable for now. Fun...another reason why Graham might and probably will be my last child!

Blood pressure management....the weekend was not so great but this week has been pretty good. It hasn't gotten to the "call the doctor" range but it is not low like the hospital. I don't think my doctor expected it to stay that low as she has kids and understands how hard it is to relax/do nothing with a two year old. It starts low at the beginning of the day and consistently rises as the day goes on. I am taking it three times a day and documenting for my doctor and I will be interested to see what she says when I show up next week with my numbers. It really fluctutes and makes no sense to me but anyways...I am trying to relax, trying to not do too much, trying to find ways to entertain Peyton that don't always involve TV/movies. Pray, Pray, Pray that it stays down!

Other than those issues, I am hanging in there. I am uncomfortable, have constant heartburn, feel like I am HUGE (these past two weeks I all of the sudden just feel gross and huge which is why I am in no mood to do a picture) and just kind of down on myself.....just trying to make it 5-7 more weeks...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

One Night Stay at....SE Memorial Herman Hospital

I will be honest...I have been wanting a night away! A night to sleep whenever and for however long I want, a night to enjoy pampering, watching TV (not Dora cartoons) uninterrupted, gourmet food and a relaxing time away. I got a night away on Thursday night but not really in the accommodations I was hoping for.

I went to my doctor's appointment on Thursday and similar to a couple of weeks ago my blood pressure was elevated but this time it was elevated even more and it although it went down while I was there, it didn't drop low enough so I was awarded a 24 hour urine collection and observation at SE Memorial Herman Hospital. And I also mentioned some headaches and spotty/starry vision I had been having which made her even more concerned since that is a side affect of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension. I had a similar observation with my pregnancy with Peyton but at 35 weeks so she was also concerned that my blood pressure was becoming an issue 4 weeks earlier than before.

I rushed out of the doctor's, grabbed some lunch and went to pick up Peyton from school, dropped her off at my parents, went home and packed some stuff for myself and then drove myself to the hospital. I got checked in, tons of blood drawn, hooked up to monitors to check the babies heartbeat and any possible contractions I was having (little to none). It was nice that this time I was only supposed to have my blood pressure taken every two hours but while I was awake. Last time I was woken up all night so at least I was able to get some sleep. Later that night I had an ultrasound to check for fluid levels, breathing, placenta, cervical dilation and for baby movement. Everything looked fine and Graham is still a Graham which is always reassuring. He is also still breached but his legs are either straight down or in a fetal position so he has some room to move around.

The next day, more monitoring and just waiting for my 24 hours to pass. Finally I was done....or so I blood work and urine came back fine, my blood pressure readings were fine but she was concerned about my headaches/vision issues so she ordered a MRI (since they have no adverse reactions on the baby as long as you don't have contrast which I didn't) just to check for any issue that could be there. Got that done and was told that it was all clear but possible chronic sinutitis....really....sinuses? Anyways, I was finally discharged around 7 PM with instructions to take it easy and monitor my blood pressure three times a day at home and call if it is near 140/90. Hopefully we can keep it down and not be too stressed but that is super difficult with an active toddler and a husband in turnaround at work and my list making/busy body self!

Peyton was super excited to see me when I went to my parents to get her and I missed her so much! It was miserable being away from her especially since she is a little under the weather. John took her to the doctor yesterday morning since I wanted to make sure nothing too bad was going on before we hit the weekend and she just has a cold but I hated her being sick and me not being there for her. True to her strong self though she has been hanging in there and is in pretty good spirits and a trooper!

So, glad to be home, thankful everything is fine, praying that it stays that way and that Graham and I can continue to be healthy! I did enjoy (as much as I could) the hospital and the nurses were amazing which is reassuring since I had never been to that hospital and am a little more comforted with going there in hopefully 8 weeks and not any time sooner!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Baby Book

On Tuesday I didn't really have much to do when I dropped off Peyton at school so I wandered around aimlessly for a little bit and then decided that perhaps I should work on her baby book considering it is pretty much not started at all and we are about to have another one! I started writing, pulling picture files and by that night had made a really good dent into it. I still have a ways to go but I took really good records of her first year through pictures and writing developments etc on a calendar so it is pretty easy to fill out the book.

I had a hard time finding a baby book for Peyton and actually didn't find one until she was about a year old when my mom got her one. So, I decided that maybe I should also look into some books for Graham and decided if I can have whatever I want that I would like this one....with his name on it obviously!

It is from a seller on Etsy and you can check out the inside pages by clicking here. It looks like it has really nice pages inside to fill out, already comes with a calendar in the back and has extra blank pages to add in stuff that they don't have a spot for which I am having to do with Peyton's and then if you purchase the additional page packages (I like the outings and holidays one) you have a pretty comprehensive and easy to keep up with baby book.

Unfortunately when you price it all together for the book and extra pages it came to $80...not we will have to see! But I thought I would pass along my find of the day!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

31 Weeks

I am 31 weeks today! Which means we have just over 60 days until we meet Graham and that is if I go 40 weeks but considering I am repeat is under 60 days....UNDER 2 MONTHS! WHAT!

In all honesty in regards to baby prep...such as the nursery and supplies...we are really ready. Since a friend is graciously throwing me a shower in February, there are a couple of things I registered for that we apparently didn't have very much gender neutral of (mostly bibs and blankets) but for the most part we are set. I also met with a friend...Sarah from My Spare discuss the quilt for Graham's room and I am so blessed that she is going to do it for me and am excited to see what she puts together. When I decided to make his bedding I resigned myself to the fact that it would mean he might not have a quilt and so I am so thankful she is going to do one for him and I love it even more that I can tell him how she blessed him with that.

What I am not prepared for is the whole birth/hospital/what to do with Peyton stuff. I am starting to freak out slightly about undergoing a c-section again. I very vividly remember the pain the next day even though the nurses told me I would forget by the time number 2 came around. I remember the nasty medicine I had to swallow before the surgery, the epidural experience was scary for me and I didn't do well (sobbing) and the whole scariness of it all. I am not at peace and am praying hard for some peace and calmness!

I have also not finalized any plans for Peyton. We know that my parents are watching Peyton the nights we are in the hospital but I do need to think through who is watching her during the day, what happens if I go into labor earlier than the scheduled day etc. I need to start thinking about making a list of what we need to pack for both me, John and Peyton. I need to book Titus at the boarding place. I need to talk through again how and when Peyton will come to see us and make sure family all have the details of where/when etc. At the same time...all of this is kind of on hold though until we at least have a date to start with which hopefully I will be getting at my doctor's appointment tomorrow or at least talking with her about rescheduling with the hospital. Once we get the new c-section date we can put all the plans in place knowing that he could come whenever...great....and now I realized that if he only made it 37 weeks like I did with Peyton (remember how I had less than 24 hours before we were in the hospital having her?) that would be 42 days....that is crazy!

Some stuff that I did do to prepare for the whole hospital stay is purchase some nursing bras since Motherhood Maternity was having a great sale this weekend and this time I do have some nice new PJ's to wear (several actually) as I learned last time that wearing the hospital gown for three days doesn't help with the whole...I still look huge and pregnant even though I just had a baby feelings!

I am also in discussions with John on how I didn't get a "push present" the last time (mostly because I thought it was silly and a waste of money) and since this is my second and most probably last (I am at 93% sure right now), he should look into something...specifically a new MacBook since my old iBook died about a month ago and I miss having a laptop! Side iBook lived a long life and I was greatly impressed. I got it about 6 years ago and used it constantly! The battery started losing power and for about the last 6 months you always had to have it plugged in so it was essentially a desktop until it finally wouldn't turn on at all. We will see if he gets my hints and surprises me! I still think it is kind of silly and a waste of money and am partially kidding about the computer! A girl can dream...right!?!

Other than realizing that we are getting near to meeting this little guy...Graham is kicking up a storm even if his head is up under my ribs and his bottom is sitting on my bladder. I am taking iron supplements since my latest blood work showed I was slightly anemic. I was
hoping it would solve my tiredness issue completely but that is not the case. I think the active toddler counteracts the iron! It did solve my headaches and some blurry vision.

So, please pray for my doctor's appointment tomorrow and for some peace with the whole c-section and planning for the hospital stay in approximately 42-60 days!