Showing posts with label coupons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coupons. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Glamourous Deal

I personally get pretty tired of reading baby/parenting books and magazines and I am too cheap to buy magazines at the grocery store so...imagine my excitement to hear about this great deal....

12 issues of Glamour for $1.50! Yes...6 quarters for 12 wonderful issues of mommy only fashion and makeup goodness reading material! I am sure many of you can just appreciate the great deal that it is even if you don't read Glamour.

Click here to learn more!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Is it already Friday?

This week has flown by! I haven't been incredibly busy or anything....therefore no real excuse on why I haven't blogged...well, maybe it is because nothing too exciting has been happening. Either way...this week has flown by somehow!

Monday we did a couple of errands. First we went to CVS and got some amazing deals. So far this month I have saved a total of 35% of my total grocery bill by using coupons at CVS and Krogers and trying to start the stock piling process. It has been great saving money but my freezer is packed...seriously, you can't fit anything in there at all. We no longer use our ice maker because stuff is stored in that bucket. We are needing to look into a freezer but we are struggling with where that would fit in our house. I will probably tackle that project/researching next month.
Following our trip to CVS we went over to Babies R' US because they were having a Presidents Day sale on Fisher Price toys. The deal one toy for $19.99 or more and get one $19.99 or less for free. I also had a $10 off Fisher Price coupon and a 15% BRU coupon so...I got two toys for $9.31. One of them (the crawling drums) she can use when she starts crawling and then the Learning Mower is for later. She still has toys in their boxes in her closet but this was a great way to get some toys for later on.

Tuesday we didn't do much but we did make a trip to a flooring store with my mom to look at some hardwood/laminate floors. When we built our house, we wanted to have wood floors in the living and dining room. The builder wanted to charge an outrageous price so we decided to put in basic carpet with the idea that we would replace within a year. Well, April will be two years and the carpet is looking pretty shabby. I went and got some more samples and prices on Wednesday and have settled on one and they are coming out today to do an estimate on the living room, dining room and possibly master bedroom. After we get the estimate we will make a decision if this is a now project or later...I really hope it is a now project but we will see!

Then yesterday we returned floor samples, made it to the mall to look for shoes for me for a dress that I got last week and then we happened to stop by Old Navy and they were having a great baby sale! Not actual babies but clothes! I was able to get some good deals for some summer clothes for Peyton (including two adorable swimsuits...can it get hot already) and it helped that I had a 15% off coupon in my wallet! I was also able to find some cute stuff for me but most of it is fun Spring skirts and a dress. I love Spring...please hurry! kind of a busy week but a good one! This weekend is going to be pretty busy...tonight I need to go to my mom's and watch the Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice crossover finale because we went out for dinner last night and we don't have DVR and they do. Then I have made it my goal to prime and then paint the master bedroom by Sunday so we can finish up that project by the middle of next week!
I don't know why I like this picture...but Peyton's face just makes me laugh. It is like one of those trying to smile when you are mad faces!

Speaking of Peyton...she has a temper! She is starting to throw temper tantrums! I didn't think that was possible at 5 months. She will scream at you and just fuss when she doesn't get her way. I am working on ignoring it when we are at home but she tends to do them more in public which normally means mommy responds. What a turkey!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Grocery Game

In an attempt to save my family more money and maximize the work I put into cutting and storing coupons I decided to turn to the Grocery Game for some help. I have heard good things from a couple of people now so it was time to try it out.

Pretty much the Grocery Game is advertised as the following:

What is The Grocery Game? The Grocery Game is a website that can save you hundreds of dollars on your grocery bill each month. Log in, spend a few minutes with a pair of scissors, and you're off to win The Grocery Game! When you play, you'll get a weekly list (called Teri's List) of the lowest-priced products at your supermarket matched with manufacturers' coupons and weekly specials -- advertised and unadvertised. The Grocery Game does all the hard work and research, and presents it to you in a straightforward format.

What do the colors on Teri's List mean? Teri's List is color-coded. Black items are a good price. Buy these if you need the item now. Blue items are for stockpiling. We do not expect this item to go lower so stock up while the price is at rock bottom. Green items are free. These are not "Buy one get one free" but are actually free after sale and coupon. All you pay is sales tax! is $1 for a four week trial to as many stores or lists as you want and then it is $10 every 8 weeks for one list (each additional list is $5). After looking at last weeks published list there were some really good deals that I was not even aware of. In order to start truly seeing savings you need to gain a 12 week stockpile of goods so I will be starting on that and will evaluate how we are doing in 12 weeks to see if it worth continuing. Not bad for $21!

You can check out the Grocery Game by clicking here. Also, if you decide to register, make sure to put my email in the referral part so I can get some free weeks!