Thursday, May 14, 2009

Peyton's New Lazy Boy

I had an bad day today! It was so frustrating!

So...yesterday I was thinking about how big Peyton has gotten and how many of her "baby" things are needing to be stored. We have already stored the swing, her bouncer is about to go up and of course there are an insane amount of clothes I need to organize and store. Then I was thinking about her car seat. I knew there was a weight limit but I was wondering about the height limit. Well there is one...30 inches. She was 27.5 inches at her 6 month appointment and so when she woke up I measured her and she was 29 inches. Time to get a new car seat. Great...

So, yesterday I went to Babies R Us to browse and then came home and did a ton of research. I settled on the Britax brand so I headed back to Babies R Us to check them out and put Peyton in them to see what I liked. I arrive there and am in the car seat aisle with Peyton in one hand (because she is being cranky) and trying to pull car seat floor samples down with
the other hand. FOUR employees...yes FOUR...walk by and look right at me without offering any help. It took forever but I finally chose one and then lifted the huge box into the cart by myself and checked out. They never asked me at the front if I needed help to my car even though they saw I had my hands full. So I finally get outside and the stupid box doesn't fit in the car. UGH! So, I take the car seat out of the box, dismantle the box in case I need to return, try to get everything in my car (total time about 20 minutes) all the meanwhile THREE employees were outside picking up carts and no one offered to help me. Are you kidding!?! I was furious and it didn't help that Peyton was hungry for lunch and letting me know it. I finally got home and on my way home I called the store to complain. I never call to complain but I was so mad. The manager was apologetic especially when I told him I was so frustrated that I almost wanted to come back and return the item and never shop there again but since I have a hungry baby it wasn't worth it. 

So we get home, I feed Peyton lunch, she falls asleep and I go outside to inspect this expensive and troublesome purchase. I put it in the back seat and it is HUGE! It looks like a space ship chair! Which means that the passenger seat has to go way up. I just lost it! I was so frustrated, tired, and annoyed. Well, John came home later and we looked at it again and I decided to get the other model because it was not as bulky so I made another trip to BRU but solo this time. I exchanged the car seat and the new box fit in the car. When I got home it is still big and bulky but not as bad and honestly when we can turn it around from rear facing to forward the passenger side gets a whole lot more room. It will have to do until we decide to buy a new car which our original plan is not until next Summer at the earliest. 

A long and frustrating day which means I did not install the new car seat and will attempt
that tomorrow. But I am excited about what we got...the Britax Marathon. It was a highly rated car seat and even recommended by several friends so I am happy with what we went with. 

Even more exciting was that this was the first non gender neutral big thing that I have got for Peyton. We have been good about getting gender neutral big ticket items but when I did the planning on how long Peyton will be in this seat and when we are planning on a second child and when baby #2 will need a bigger car seat there is about 12-18 month overlap where both of them will need to be in a convertible seat so that means that Peyton can have the girl one and if our plan doesn't work out and baby #2 needs this seat and it is a boy they do sell covers for not that much.

And because I am crazy...I decided to rearrange the living room tonight to relax...

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