Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Shiloh and Her Siblings

Both Peyton and Graham were so excited about Shiloh coming and having a baby sister and thankfully that enthusiasm continued once she arrived. Unfortunately though they both have been sick off and on since we brought her home. My kiddos are hardly ever sick but of course as soon as a new baby comes they have had runny noses, coughs, a vomiting episode, two 24 hour fever episodes and they have had to stay away from the baby. They have both been so understanding and great about not touching her, staying away from her completely at times and knowing that it is only so they don't pass their germs to her. Thankfully it seems like all that has passed and we can now have lots of sibling cuddles! 

I am so incredibly blessed!
I have been the most surprised at Peyton and how much she wants to help and how understanding she has been. She asks to hold Shiloh more than I thought she would and is so willing to help grab stuff and want to play with her. She has been really understanding that a baby takes a lot of time and often time away from her and she has been willing to sit with me while I am feeding and just read a book or talk, or just wait patiently while doing something else. She has matured significantly and has been a huge help. 

The other day, our house cleaner wasn't able to come that afternoon due to a scheduling conflict and I wanted to vacuum, Shiloh was being fussy and Peyton asked if she could try to play with her on her play mat and see if that helped. It did help and I managed to get away and vacuum the house while Peyton played with Shiloh. It was sweet and I loved walking by to check on them and seeing her playing, singing songs and Shiloh just looking at her in wonder. Sweet sisters!

Graham adores his sister and every day makes sure to tell her good morning and good night and all about showing Shiloh love. He often refers to her as "my baby," and always walks by saying "hello my Shiloh." His sisters are certainly lucky to have a brother who adores both of them! 

Many of my favorite moments these past few weeks have been watching the interactions between the kids and I am constantly reminded how blessed I am by these amazing kids!

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