Friday, August 10, 2012

Diving Board

This summer Peyton has been taking swimming lessons pretty much every week we have been here. She started at the community aquatic center which was great and she had tons of fun but she really needs structure and I was finding that it was too much fun for her! She loves swimming but will just goof off and not learn if she doesn't have some sort of structure in her lessons. So I looked around and found a private swim club here that she started at this week and will do until we head to Canada. It is in a big pool as opposed to a baby pool which already helps with her not jumping up and down and being silly and I love that it has one main teacher and then an assistant for each kid in the class. I wish we had done this place earlier! 

On Friday was Fun Day (combined with some swimming) which was great! It was really helpful for me to explain that we are going to have to pay attention and work hard during the week so you can have a whole day of fun in the pool!

The first thing they did was jump off the diving board.....

They also went down inflatable slides, played with beach balls and had fun! I loved it and so did Peyton!

Also....check out Peyton's new shoes! She ALWAYS wears crocs and I can never get anything else on her so I was so excited when she agreed to wear these TOMS and she actually likes them! It certainly helps that she has the same shoes as Mommy!

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