Thursday, August 9, 2012

Vacation Photo Catch Up

There are so many other things and events that we have been attending or places we have been exploring that don't really warrant their own post so here is a collection of things we have been up to!

One day we went up to Canada to visit my cousin's wife and their kids. I thought we were just going to play at their house and we ended up going to the beach which I wasn't prepared for but we still had a blast. Peyton had her swim suit from swimming lessons earlier in the morning and I had a spare set of clothes for Graham so he just played in his clothes. The beach area was gorgeous! Surrounded on all sides by mountains and just so pretty. It was a wonderful afternoon of playing, talking and enjoying conversation with another mom of young kids which I have missed being here! We had a great time! Graham was a mess but it was so worth it!

We have also been enjoying my mom's dog Bailey, a labradoodle. She has been amazing with the kids and has helped with them both missing our dog while we are here. We have taken her to a pond area to go swimming, a dog festival and I even took her and the two kids for a couple mile walk along the waterfront. Lots of fun!

One afternoon we wanted to take her swimming and so we headed out after Peyton's swim lessons. We thought the kids would hang out on the shoreline and look at rocks or watch Bailey swim BUT they both got into the water, clothes on and all and swam around without a care in the world. It was not that warm out that day and the water was freezing but they love the water so much! Lots of laughs!

While we were on our walk along the waterfront we saw an interesting event of riding your bike down a steep ramp along the pier and then onto a ramp to propel you over the railing and landing into the bay.    Peyton thought it was the coolest thing ever! I was surprised that anyone would be crazy enough to attempt it. There were people on bikes and even scooters doing it!

We went to an arts festival in a town near us and they had a fire truck there for the kids to explore. Peyton has been fascinated about firefighters and goes back and forth between wanting to be a firefighter or a veternarian. She loved meeting the firefighter and looking around.

We have been playing in a baby pool at my parents house several times. We have to wait until the hottest part of the day and make sure it is in direct sun otherwise it is a little chilly and I have to bring a couple buckets of hot water from inside to warm it up!

We are LOVING our time in Washington! We are falling in love with this state more and more everyday and only wish John was here to enjoy it with us!

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