Sunday, September 1, 2013

First Day of School

This year we had two kiddos celebrating their first day of school. Peyton was off to the big kid elementary school for K4 (Pre-K) and Graham was off to his first day of preschool. It was an exciting day and a little emotional watching them head off to school and realizing that my kids are growing up. 

Peyton's school had a soft start for the K4 kids where they had their parents there the first week to help introduce them to the buses, the routine and then the ended up going full time, ride the buses and everything the next week. It was nice to attend with her and see what her classroom was like but she was ready to fly solo!

Graham is attending the same preschool that Peyton did when we first moved to Saudi. He was so excited and ready. It affirmed my decision to not send him last year when other people were and cherish the time I had together with him. He was very ready to go by himself and just ran off and was fine. It was comforting and I was so proud of him.


Graham had to wear running shoes because he wanted to be "super fast" at school! They both loved their new backpacks and were ready for the new adventures of school!


I saw a friend do signs for the first day of school so I decided to copy and do the same. Peyton's sign said that she wants to be dentist and a doctor when she grows up. 

Graham's sign said that he would like to be a firefighter with mommy when he grows up. I asked him more about it and he said that I would come help him fight fires and help him with his helmet. He loves his mommy so much and I thought it was adorable! And even several days after the sign was made I would ask him what he wanted to be when he was older and he said, "a firefighter with mommy."

Everyone had a wonderful first day of school and we are so blessed with two wonderful teachers who have a passion for teaching, kids and it shows in their teaching and classrooms. I am so thankful and our prayers were answered with their teachers. A new phase of life for sure with two kids gone half day at school, an exciting time but hard for mommy to be without her kids! I love my Thursdays when Graham is home (he only goes four days a week) and love my weekends with both of them!

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