We packed everything up, got the rental car and away we went. We had to bundle Peyton up in her snow suit to go and get the rental car and she was pretty adorable. I don't think she was too fond of all of the layers but as always was a trooper.
It was raining and very foggy but we will take that over snow/ice anytime. We made it up to Bracebridge without too much commotion...kind of. We headed out from the airport looking for the 400. Since it was so foggy John was driving pretty slow so it seemed like we had gone further than we really had and since it was foggy nothing really looked familiar. We thought we had gone too far so we exited to turn
around and when we exited we found a Tim Horton's. I deemed it fate! For those of you who have not been blessed to have visited a Tim Horton's, it is a chain in Canada that serves coffee, donuts and also some lunch food. Pretty much they are known for their donuts and also their Timbits which are essentially donut holes. I love Timbits! I don't like donuts very much but love Timbits! I especially love their brown sugar ones or the chocolate
ones! While at Tim Hortons I said to John, "I don't know if I want to become an American." I said this after realizing how much being a Canadian means to me and how I wasn't sure if I wanted to let go of that connection (for more on my dilemma on whether to become an American click here to see a post from October). Anyways, I was trying to have a meaningful discussion about heritage etc and John's response to me was, "What, one trip to Tim Horton's and you are all Canadian again." It was pretty funny! After we left Tim Horton's we continued our journey to find the 400 and after a couple of loops around realized it was the next exit after Tim Horton's. We just hadn't gone far enough!
Once arriving in Bracebridge we realized that they really did have an insane amount of snow. It
was kind of crazy! We got to my grandparents and got settled and then Peyton started to receive visitors! First, my cousin Troy and Cory, Cory's girlfriend Katie, my Aunt Candy, and her boyfriend Shawn were all there.
Aunt Candy gave Peyton a Christmas present and one of the parts was a Frosty the snowman bear that became a favorite mostly because the carrot nose stick out and is perfect for sucking on. It was great to visit with everyone, catch up and introduce them to Peyton. She was talking away, playing on the floor and putting on a show for everyone. A little later, my Uncle Terry and his wife Christine came by for a visit and then after everyone left. My cousins, Cole (8) and Emma (5) came by. They both thought the baby was pretty interesting and once they got over their initial hesitation wanted to constantly hold her. They both did a great job and Peyton did a good job not getting too upset considering it was past her nap time!
After all of her visitors that day we had a good nap, continued getting settled and were able to spend time with my grandparents. Peyton immediately warmed up to my Grandma (probably because my mom is so much like her which I realized more and more this trip) and was a little wary of Grandpa but by the end of the night was all smiles. John spent part of the evening chipping up ice of the driveway so he got his winter workout in! Then before Peyton went to bed we all played with her on the floor and she did great holding her head up on her tummy. Probably the best she has ever done which I attribute to the fresh Canadian air!
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