Monday, March 24, 2008

14 Weeks

What is the baby doing...
Welcome to my second trimester!!

The baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee and possibly suck its thumb (which I believe it was already doing at the last ultrasound). Thanks to brain impulses, its facial muscles are getting a workout as its tiny features form one expression after another. Its kidneys are producing urine, which it releases into the amniotic fluid around it - a process it will keep up until birth. The baby can grasp too. The baby is stretching out, from head to bottom it measures 3 1/2 inches, about the size of a lemon and weighs 1 1/2 ounces. The body is growing faster than the head which now sits upon a more distinct neck. By the end of this week, the arms will have grown to a length that is in proportion to the rest of its body. The baby is starting to develop an ultra-fine, downy covering hair, called lanugo, all over its body. The baby's liver starts making bile this week and its spleen starts helping in the production of red blood cells. Though I can't feel the tiny punches and kicks yet, the little hands and feet are more flexible and active.

How is the Mommy doing...

This has been a wonderful week! I have had tons of energy and my appetite and have enjoyed being able to cook dinners again. I still get tired more easily but it is such a difference from a couple of weeks ago. John and I have been able to go on a couple of walks this week which Titus has enjoyed greatly. I had Friday off from work and also have Monday off so it has been a nice long relaxing weekend. Friday consisted of running some errands and starting to search for a bridesmaids dress for Megan's wedding in June. Well, it ended up being a pretty frustrating experience for many reasons. Please pray that I can find a dress soon! John and I had a wonderful day on Saturday, washing the cars and dog, relaxing lunch at a tea room, visiting the League City car show and then we went to Half Price books and were able to trade in some old books and get seven books for the baby. It was fun picking out books that we can read to the baby and even getting a bible story book! Then today we had a wonderful day celebrating with church and then an Easter lunch with John's mom! It was so nice to have her down and be able to cook and make my first Easter dinner and my first carrot cake! It was also so nice to celebrate our first Easter in our home! It is crazy to think that last year we were walking through a construction site! Praise God for a beautiful day and wonderful week! I will be traveling this week to Kentucky for work (Wednesday - Saturday) so please pray for safe travels.
  • Next Doctor's Appointment: I actually have an appointment tomorrow (March 24) to follow up on possible kidney stone from my upper abdomen ultrasound a month or so ago. I truly believe that through prayers God has healed me but I still need to get it checked out. Then I have some blood work on March 31.
  • Total Weight Gain: 4 pounds
How is the Daddy doing...

John is now looking for new house project since the garage is done and we have a working garage door opener! John has been able to have some quality time with the Lord this week and praise that our new bible study on Phillippians has really been speaking to him! He is also pretty excited about renting all of the guy blow stuff up movies and watching them since I will be gone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Avery Dawn