Saturday, June 6, 2009

9 Month Checkup

Peyton turned nine months old Thursday and had her nine month doctor visit today. As always they did her measurements and as expected she is crazy tall. Here are her stats.....Weight: 19 lbs 13 oz (50%), Height: 29 3/4 inches (95%)! She is so tall!

Everything else checked out well and the doctor was very happy with what she is doing developmentally and thinks she is doing great! She had some additional suggestions on weaning which were helpful. I am not ready to wean Peyton completely but I do want to take our time and since I would like her to be weaned around her first birthday,I think we will start soon so we can not rush things. Please pray that it goes well! The doctor didn't have much else to say so it was a pretty quick visit. Her next visit will be for her one year checkup. She was scheduled to have two shots at the next visit but I have some concerns with the vaccination schedule so I talked to the doctor and they are open to me making some modifications and delaying the vaccinations some. Please pray for guidance on when she should get what vaccinations.

Some other things about Peyton and where she is at nine months...she is a mover and wiggler! She loves to stand up and hold onto things and walk (with our help)! She is slightly interested in crawling and will reach for things, get on all fours and rock but not interested enough to make forward movement (although backwards is mastered). She has started saying, "bababa," to everything which is fun! She loves to make you laugh with making farting noises constantly. She even figured out the other day that if she takes a drink and then does them it is louder and better. Lots of new developments every day and we are so blessed to be able to watch her explore the world!

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