Wednesday, June 10, 2009

To do...Gym

On Monday, John and I both had the intentions of waking up and running. Peyton decided to wake up at midnight so that meant not too much sleep for us so we put it off. Well, our running clothes have been sitting on the dresser waiting for us....

Here is my ridiculous attempt at going to the gym/running this week so far...

Monday: Run in the AM (didn't happen). Play date and then go to the gym in the afternoon since I didn't run in the morning. (I made it to the play date and instead of the gym, I ate the majority of the pre made Pillsbury chocolate chip cookies without cooking them...apparently John thinks it is healthier to eat 8 cookies when cooked)

Tuesday: Since I had not made it to the gym at all Monday...once again Gym. (Instead I made it to Starbucks but I did ask them to hold the whip cream on my Java Chip Frapacino). I did manage to make dinner and have some girls over while John ran off to watch the Astro's game with the guys. Which has nothing to do with exercising.

Today: Play date and you guessed it....gym! I am hesitant to commit to going today since I would have to go once Peyton is down for the night but we will see since....

Thursday: Palm Beach at Moody Gardens all day and then girl's dinner out at a Mexican restaurant (why I need to go to the gym today)

Friday: Play date at the pool in the morning and then really I should go to the gym that afternoon because I don't see myself going today...

Saturday: I am supposed to meet up with some friends at 5:30 AM and run....hence why I have been trying to go to the gym/run so I don't die.

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