Monday, June 28, 2010

Everyone is moving....

This weekend was full of moving! My sister moved from her apartment in Pearland to one downtown so we helped her all Saturday move and then our good friend's had a good bye party before they left for Saudi Arabia!

Saturday we moved Ashley and that was so much work! One of our friends from our small group came and helped and I am so thankful for his willingness to come and help my sister (someone he doesn't know). My parents watched Peyton for us so John and I could help move boxes etc in the morning so we started at 8 AM and finished moving in boxes and furniture close to 2:30 PM. My parents met us at the new place and Peyton was confused at what was going on! The boys then left and took Peyton home for a nap and then my mom, dad and I stayed around and unpacked, organized, hung pictures until we stopped at 7:00 PM and finally had dinner. I was exhausted, stinky and have bruises everywhere!

Then Sunday, Grandma Martha met us at church at then came over for the afternoon and Peyton had a blast playing with her and even had her clean the living room! Watch out know have to dust when visiting! Also during her visit Peyton wanted John to play with her and be a little more wild than I would. So, this is what they did....a human swing! She LOVED it! I think she is starting to like to know who to ask to do what with because if it is anything dangerous or a little more wild she always asks John because she knows he won't be as cautious as I am!

After much convincing Peyton had a nap and when she woke up it was time to head over to a good bye party for her friend Gavin and his family. It was at a park by their neighborhood and we actually had a nice breeze. It was a nice time of fellowship with friends and we will so very miss the Perry's. I can not even begin to explain how much the Perry's have meant to us and how incredibly blessed we have been to do small group with them. We are so blessed to have such a great group of community to do life with and also for Peyton to be around and see other strong families who are raising their children to love God and to love others!

Some friends took some adorable pictures of John trying to play football with Peyton so once I get those I will have to post them but the other amusing part of the night was Peyton's fascination with the tree! She saw older kids climbing the tree and so John helped her (as I was panicking). This kid has no fear...which doesn't go well with her strong opinions! She would get so frustrated towards the top when John wouldn't let go and let her continue by herself!

We ended up coming home around 9:00 PM very tired and very dirty! She managed to have a bath and was way too energetic but she crashed shortly afterwards and actually slept in until 7:30 AM!

This week we are busy! I am trying to get everything together for our second annual Canada Day party on Thursday, getting things together for our trip to Canada next week, finishing projects around the house and catching up on cleaning!

And we have our last week of swimming lessons and since I have to take her myself today...I am praying these rain showers keep going! Just kidding...kind of!


Stori said...

Love the pictures of her swinging with her Day!!! She's so precious.

Stori said...

Oops, I meant Dad, but you probably knew that. :)

The Perry's said...

thanks for the sweet words. we will miss you guys too!