Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Love this book!

I didn't read many parenting/baby etc books this time around because I didn't have time and I had already read them the first time and hoped that I didn't forget everything! I did flip through what I had read before and got the main points.

After I had Graham, I was talking with a friend about some challenges I was having and she recommended the book, "Sippy Cups are Not for Chardonnay." My friend who recommended it doesn't have kids but she had many friends recommend this book to other new moms as a light hearted, real account of life as a new mom.

Well, I ordered the book on my Nook and finished it in a couple of days which is a feat with two kids! It was such an enjoyable, funny and real account of what it is like being a new mom. I will for sure be recommending this to new moms and might even add to my must give gifts at a baby shower and wish I read it the first time around.

So if you know someone about to have a baby, or you just had a baby, I highly recommend reading this and having a good laugh about life as a new mom!

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