Saturday, February 11, 2012

Our Love Story: Link Up

I was reading a blog that I follow, Blue Eyed Bride and she had this link up about your love story from another blog, From Mrs. to Mama, and I thought it would be a fun post for Valentine's Day.

How long have you and your significant other been together?
We met June 2003 and started officially dating August 9, 2003 so for 8 1/2 years. 

How did you meet?
We met through a mutual friend who set us up. We both went to the same high school, knew the mutual friend from high school and I knew John's brothers in high school but yet we never crossed paths until just before my sophomore year at the University of Texas.

If married, how long have you been married?
We were married 5 1/2 years ago on Friday, October 13, 2006. We had to plan our wedding around Longhorn Football and the Texas vs OU football weekend.
If you are married, where did you get married at? Big or small wedding? 
We had a medium sized wedding (108 be exact....John remembered since he was four people over on the estimate and apparently that still gets to him). We were married at Ashton Gardens in North Houston. We fell in love with the location and liked that there was a chapel and the reception site all at once place and in order to have it fit in our budget we got married on a Friday and then had a post wedding party Saturday night at a local BBQ restaurant to spend more time with family that came in for the wedding.

Do you have any nick-names that you call one another? 
John calls me, "bear," and I call him, "pants." I don't know exactly where that name came from but it started with my roommate in college saying it to him one time and it stuck.

Name 3 things you love most about your honey.
That he is loyal, trust worthy and works hard at everything...his job, our family, our marriage, relationships.

Tell us how he proposed?
This is such a long story but the abbreviated version is that he surprised me by flying up to Canada where I was visiting family, showed up, was on the dock on Morrison Lake with candles everywhere and asked me to marry him. It was everything I had wanted in a proposal and was perfect!

Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for v-day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals?
He is such a mixture. He can be super over the top romantic and then just chill and give me sentimental gifts/dates. It all depends on what we need at the time and it is a nice balance.

Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or pop a movie in and relax on the couch?
I love the beach so sunset dinner on the beach sounds wonderful but I enjoy quality time and if we can have that watching a movie then that is great as well. Living in Saudi has really made us stretch our idea of what an actual date looks like and see the main spend intentional time pouring into each other!

Tell us one thing you'd like to do with your significant one day. If you could do anything? Go anywhere?
If I could go anywhere it would be either Tahiti or Fiji. I want to stay in one of the huts over the water and just have a week of relaxing, being pampered and being alone with my love.

Tell us what you plan on doing on this Valentine's Day.
We have no plans besides John staying home and watching the kids in the morning while I go to the doctor for my routine breast cancer preventative! We might pick up some food from or favorite Chinese or Indian food restaurant and download a movie and do dinner and a movie once the kids go to bed. We will probably do more for the kids and make cards and fun food for them.

Are you asking for anything this Valentine's day?
To work on updating/redecorating our master bedroom...although I was reminded that the wooden buffet that we recently bought was supposed to be my present. 

Give us one piece of advice of keeping a relationship strong and full of love.
Manage your expectations of your spouse, yourself and your idea of what marriage is supposed to be like and there will be highs and lows. Be intentional and spend time together regularly and have real conversations...that do not consist of talking about kids, work or house stuff but about who you are, who you want to be, where you struggle.

Show us a picture of what love means to you.
Photo taken by Jessica Clarkson of Clarkson Photography

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