Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sick days....Pajama days

Both kids have been sick the past couple of days. Peyton with a awful sounding cough and Graham with a constant runny nose. So, we have been stuck at home....BORED! 

I will say that I am incredibly thankful for our large playroom that contains all of the chaos and mess in one room. We have spent most of our time playing in there, watching movies, eating at the play table, playing with Play Dough, playing Candy Land and just hanging out...then at the end of the day, I just have that one room to deal with! This is what the playroom looked like just 90 minutes into the morning and honestly the pictures don't show the true extent of the madness. We normally don't have the ball pit out which is good because I might go crazy picking up those balls all day long but since this was day three of being home I thought it provide some new entertainment and it did...both kids loved it and played all day in there!


Other activities have included Peyton jumping into Graham's bed when she went in to see him after his nap and they played in his crib for about 45 minutes which worked out great because I was able to organize his drawers and closet and put away laundry! They are so silly together. Graham ADORES his sister and just is in awe of her!

I am hoping that after this weekend they will have kicked whatever is going on. We have both humidifiers going and have tried to convince Peyton to do the breathing mask with no luck. Thankfully I have backup this weekend and then hoping we can resume normal activities and get out of house arrest on Saturday and play with friends...mommy's friends and Peyton's!

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