Saturday, March 10, 2012

Weight Loss Challenge

In January I mentioned how I tended to not take care of myself at all and I vowed to do better. 

Shortly after that, John and I decided to do a Biggest Loser style challenge to help keep me motivated to exercise and eat right. We decided that whoever lost the greatest percentage weight loss between then and the beginning of March would win $500! It was a lot of fun and we both lost a good amount of weight and just before I left for Abu Dhabi we did the final weigh and the winner was....ME! 

I lost a total of 6% of my body weight (8.7 lbs)! John lost 5.4% and only lost the contest by a pound. Earlier in the week I had went and got my assessment done at the nutrition center and what made me even more excited than the total weight loss was how many inches I lost in my waist (4.72 inches) and hips (3.14 inches) and that I lowered my Body Fat % by 3%. I am just happy to be feeling great, wearing all of my clothes and back on the track to being healthy and in shape! And I am really glad that I was able to get pretty close (2 lbs off) of my pre Graham pregnancy weight by his first birthday! 

I need to get back into the routine of working out again. We spent three weeks passing germs to each other and then my trip to Abu Dhabi and planning Graham's birthday party has really put a kink into working out but I am planning to make sure that I am set up to be successful next week. I am also hoping to get back started on the meal plan in a couple of weeks to make sure that I am continuing to make smart choices while John is working so much and life is a little more stressful. 

I will do another post in a couple of days with pictures of what I bought with my $500 prize....

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