Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Peyton and I had a long day yesterday...I was exhausted from staying up until 1:00 AM with my friend (see previous post) and Peyton woke up at 4:00 AM for no reason so she was all out of sorts all day. Then we drove to the airport which made Peyton fall asleep out of boredom not during her normal nap so she was all messed up on her normal routine. Even though it was a long day we had a pretty good day (until about 4:00 PM when she was super cranky and all I wanted was for daddy to come home and save me).
While we were playing yesterday I gave Peyton a plastic ring thing and then I would ask for it back...this was our dialogue:

Mom: "Here you go Peyton."
Peyton: [Accepts toy with excitement]
Mom: "Can I have your toy Peyton?" [holds out hand]
Peyton: [Gives toy to mom]
Mom: "Thank you so much!" [says really excited]
Peyton: [smiles and waves her hands in excitement]

This went on for about 10 minutes before she lost interest but it was so much fun!

Other fun things we have done the past couple of days is learn how to bang on pots/plastic bowls and discover the different sounds they make. She was interested for a brief period and then was more interested in getting things in her mouth.

She is growing up so much and is always trying to grab things, move in some way. I am pretty sure it won't long before she is off crawling and exploring and I know she is going to be a handful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh dear she looks older....I better get home quick !!!!!