Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spicing Up Play Time

I was reading Kelly's Korner, a blog that I follow and she found a link to a website that has various activities your can do with your child that are age appropriate. I know that I have had a hard time figuring out new things to do with Peyton and welcome the creativity of others to help stimulate Peyton's play times and explore new things together. They will also send you weekly emails with suggested activities for your age. Some are a little challenging mostly because Peyton is just into the middle infant range but I am sure you can adapt them for where your child is.

Today's activity is....

Cause and Effect

Target Age: Middle Infant

What To Do: Your child will enjoy seeing what happens when turning the bedroom light 'on and off.' Help your child turn the light switch on and off. When the light goes on say, "On," and when it goes off say, "Off". Your child will begin to understand cause and effect.

You can check out the website at

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