Monday, October 20, 2008

Christmas Already?

Today we took a family trip to the mall. I desperately needed a hair cut and had an appointment at 11:00 and then we went around and looked for a Christmas dress for Peyton. Yes, we have already purchased a Christmas dress and it isn't even November. I remember when I used to work in retail (at a children's store) that the infant dresses went quickly especially the smaller sizes so I didn't want to wait. We found a pretty cute dress for her to wear and are now in the hunt for a matching sweater, tights and little black shoes. 

A couple of other updates....

Peyton has her ultrasound on her hip tomorrow morning at Texas Children's followed by a follow up visit with the pediatric orthopedic surgeon. Last time we were there he didn't feel the hip dislocation and the x-rays showed nothing. That was a huge praise but my biggest concern is that we are missing something. Please pray that it is evident from this next visit whether everything healed on its own or if the dislocation is still there. 

Another prayer request is Peyton's possible infant reflux. I brought this up to the pediatrician last week and the doctor said it could very well be infant reflux but until we cure the tummy bug we are not sure if the symptoms I am seeing are from that or are a cause of reflux. She has always had the hiccups but they have gotten more forceful and it sounds like milk is coming up when she has them, in addition to the hiccups she has had some forceful vomiting after feedings, increased fussiness while eating as well as decreasing the amount of time she is feeding. I have been doing some research on infant reflux and have implemented some of the comforting tips but those only help so much. Since we have her two month check up in a couple of weeks, I have started a journal to help track what  I am seeing so we can bring that in and see what we can do. The most probable course of action based off of what the pediatrician mentioned at our last visit would be prescribing Zantac. In the meantime, pray that we can comfort Peyton, that she continues to eat enough and that if it is infant reflux we can start the right treatment soon.


Anonymous said...

Let you doctor diagnose her but those are the exact symptoms Emma had with reflux and it's very common and the Zantac does seems to do the trick. She'll still have some symptoms but won't be in discomfort. Did you get the test results back from the lab?

Anonymous said...

Also, WalMart has tights and black dress shoes for infants