Saturday, October 4, 2008

Tummy Troubles

The past couple of days I have noticed Peyton being a little more fussy and unhappy than she normally is. She normally only cries for food or when she has a gas pain and needs to be burped but lately I noticed that she was crying at random times that didn't make sense and that she just looked uncomfortable. Also, she has been feeding less but more frequently. She used to take both sides and last a solid three hours and now she is only feeding on one side, screaming when I offer the other and then lasting two hours. Finally, yesterday I noticed that her soiled diapers were very runny and no longer healthy yellow seeding bowel movements (amazing how when you have a baby you are no longer grossed out by describing bowel movements). 

Well, today after another cranky period and another nasty diaper, I took her temperature which was only slightly elevated but when I thought about everything that has been going on the past couple of days, I called the doctor's office and they asked me to bring her in. 

We headed over there this afternoon and she was weighed (she is now 8 pounds 7.5 ounces...she has gained 2 pounds in 2 weeks!), had her temperature checked (normal) and then we talked to her pediatrician. Turns out that he has seen a couple of other infants come into the hospital within the past two days with similar symptoms yet they had flu like symptoms prior to the diarrhea which Peyton wasn't really showing. So he checked her out and she does have a some nasal congestion and her stomach sounded a little too active/upset so she probably has an upset an upset tummy. He advised me to just watch her these next couple of days for any change (vomiting, fever, increase in flu symptoms etc) but other than that there wasn't much to do. He did say that the reason she was eating less and more frequent was because infants when they have an upset stomach will naturally reduce how much they eat. 

We are back home and she is still cranky but understandably so please pray that we can comfort her these next couple of days and that she gets better soon!

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