Friday, January 7, 2011

30 Weeks and 1 Day

We had another ultrasound today because my doctor thought I was measuring big and we finally figured out the mystery between the two due dates that have been floating around of 3/22 and 3/16. Apparently, the ultrasound doctor put my due date at 3/16/2011 awhile ago based off of the ultrasound at 10 weeks. My doctor had 3/22/2011 off my ultrasound at 6 weeks and didn't adjust when the ultrasound at 10 weeks was bigger. So, I will be talking with my doctor next week about adjusting the due date and the doctor today is putting that in her report.
The ultrasound went well and it was kind of weird because it was hard to see Graham because he is so big now that it is all really squished. I didn't really know what I was looking at and we ended up with a bunch of pictures of stuff we can't identify. But he is healthy, growing and doing fine. My fluid levels are normal, my placenta is normal and everything is great. He is right around 3 lbs 3 oz and is breached just like Peyton with his head under my ribs. Apparently that is how my uterus and pelvis positions babies.

We took Peyton with us and she was a little interested in the pictures and did really like hearing the heart beat. She was more interested in pointing out the doctor to me.

When I go next Thursday to my appointment I will have a better idea of when they will be scheduling my new c-section date. I am really, really hoping for the week of March 7 so Graham will be here before my sister comes home from college for Spring Break but we will see what the doctor decides and in the end, all that matters is that he is healthy!

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