Wednesday, November 5, 2008

2 Month Checkup

Yes, Peyton is two months old! Where has the time gone? Today she had her two month checkup and here are some of the highlights of our visit:
  1. Peyton is continuing to grow! She is an impressive 10 pounds 14 ounces! She is making up ground on the average and currently with her weight she is in the 33 percentile but the pediatrician is pretty confident that at this rate she will be in the 50% or higher at four months! She has already gained 4 pounds 7 ounces since birth and 5 pounds since she was discharged from the hospital!
  2. She is a tall, tall girl and her height is 23 3/4 inches which puts her in the 83 percentile. She has grown 4 3/4 inches since birth!
  3. As for some of the issues/concerns that I had on her reflux symptoms. Since she is growing and thriving the doctor's opinion is that she might be getting too much food. I have noticed that when I have exclusively pumped milk not after a feeding that there is a lot more thick milk than watery milk. Well, she is getting lots of the good stuff and consequently her body is not digesting it well enough. His suggestion was to continue with keeping her upright for 20-30 minutes after feedings and to start stretching her feedings to 4 hours! I am so excited about getting another hour between feedings! It really takes away from your day when you have to feed her for about 30 minutes, hold her upright for 30 minutes and then in 2 hours do it again. I am sure she will fight extending her feedings so we will start with baby steps (gradually adding 15 minute longer intervals) to see how she does. The only negative is that this makes feedings unpredictable again until we get on a routine. 
  4. As for her bowel movements and the lack of seedy diapers. Since they have not found anything and she is thriving it is no longer a reason to be concerned. It could be attributed to the high fat content of my milk or something else but since she is doing well and there is no blood or mucus we shouldn't be concerned. Either way I am still planning on keeping dairy out of my diet as it as helped with her being so gassy and it also helped clear up her face. Maybe after awhile I will test it with a glass of milk and see how she does.
  5. Her sleepiness is normal and not a reason to be concerned. Also, her incredible growth could be attributed to how much she sleeps because apparently the growth hormone is more active during sleep. At this rate she is going to be abnormally tall!
  6. She had four vaccinations today. One that she had to take orally and three in her legs. She made a nasty face at the oral one but took it really well and then screamed when they gave her the vaccinations in her legs. She immediately stopped crying as soon as I picked her up so it went better than I expected. I made my mom go with me in case I couldn't handle her being so upset but Peyton was a champ. 
The rest of today will be spent keeping Peyton comfortable and monitoring her for a fever or any other adverse reactions. She is currently napping. Please pray for her and that she handles her vaccinations well and that I can comfort her if she does get fussy.

1 comment:

Amber K. said...

I know we're not BFF, but I read your blog a lot. I just have to tell you Che, you seem like such an extraordinary mom. You're knowledgeable, careful, trust in the Lord, and more. Your dedication to Peyton is wonderful and your continued dedication to John is inspiring. I hope that when I'm a mother I can be the same. Whenever that day comes, I just might be contacting you to see which books you found most helpful and for advice on how to keep faith in the whole process of motherhood, from conception on up. : )
-Amber Kubicek