Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Quarantine the whole house

I spoke too soon. I am not doing any better...worse and this morning my precious little girl has some congestion, a slight cough and some runny eyes and she does not seem very interested in anything and especially not her virus carrying mother. Overall she is still pretty happy and in good spirits so hopefully this will not get too bad. I do sense that I am getting a look from her that screams, "how could you do this to me?" but other than that she is still giving me an occasional smile. I am planning on a day of some serious naps for all in hopes of fighting it off. Grandma is going to come over for a second so I can head out and get a vaporizer for Peyton's room to help loosen the congestion and help her breath which I am hoping will help her pass some of the nastiness.

Only person who isn't sick yet is daddy...and the I guess the study/guest room is the safest place in our house. Poor daddy is going to have a sick baby and mommy when he comes home. Nobody call and tell him...he might not come home :)

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