Tuesday, November 18, 2008

You always need your mom

You are never too old to need your mom. Yesterday I was very blessed that my mom lives less than a mile away and agreed to take care of her sick daughter and watch her grand daughter. After Monday night I knew that I would really be in no shape to watch Peyton on Tuesday and even more than that didn't want to pass anything on to her and if I could I really wanted to limit exposure. I know that many moms out there don't have a luxury of having a sick day and because of that I know how blessed I am to have my mom so close by and that she would be willing to put her day on hold to take care of us. I headed over there around 8:00 AM and crawled into her bed. On a side note, what is it about your parents bed that always makes you feel better? I can understand why that is growing up...because they always had a nicer bed but now that I am a grown up I have a pretty nice bed/mattress yet when you are sick there is nothing like crawling into your parents bed. Anyways, I immediately went to sleep and my mom watched Peyton. I only had to get up when the little one got hungry but pretty much I slept all day and didn't go home until 8:00 PM when John got home from bible study. I feel so much better and am not 100 % but getting there. So, thank you mom for taking care of your little girl and her little girl! 

While there Peyton seemed to have some sleeping issues. She loves grandma so much that she refuses to sleep
anywhere but on grandma. I am sure some of this has to do with her nap issues but the past few days she has been napping great in her bed (and today has had two naps in her bed already) so I am not sure what the story is. Well, in an effort to make a comfortable bed for Peyton my mom made up the bench in her hall way. She didn't want her to roll off so she put some chairs on the side and then she thought there might be a draft so she put a sheet above her and then realized she made a little tent. So, Peyton was camping out at grandma's house!

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